Learning Dojo 2022 Overview

Building on the interests and needs of IPs and the evidence base for adult learning, USAID Learns developed a capacity strengthening approach called the Learning Dojo that was presented to and approved by USAID/Vietnam in early November 2021. USAID staff reflected that the approach offers a tailored response to IP needs and is a robust investment to further support IPs in being successful learning organizations. This approach also recognized that one-off trainings are not generally effective to build capacity and that there is a need to move beyond training to influence behavior and organizational change. 

For this reason, the Learning Dojo was designed as a holistic approach to capacity building with three complementary tracks aimed at different target audience that left space over the course of the program for direct application and the material as well as peer learning and additional support for online learning or leadership coaching. 

The inaugural Learning Dojo kicked off in Spring 2022. In 2022, there were 53 participants, representing 26 USAID Activities across all Mission development and special objectives and every Mission technical office (see the table on the right). Approximately 30% of participants were from local organizations. 

Learning in Action

Examples from Specialist Track

Examples from Strategist Track

Examples from Leadership Track