#LearnHack 7.5

14th June 2024

UCL Chandler House and online¹

#LearnHack is back!  🤓

#LearnHack 7.5 will be a one day hackday: we will have 8 hours to (re)connect, brainstorm, learn new things and plan ahead for #LearnHack 8.0 next year. 

The day will bring its usual #LearnHack mix of learning sessions and practical experimentation with and without tech. As always, there will be plenty of time for fun and conversations fuelled by coffee and pizza!


As with our event in January, we are planning to stream as much of the day as possible for our virtual audience to spread the sparkle of #LearnHack to wherever you are.


To ensure that the day will be everything you want it to be, we are currently looking for your ideas: 

Add your ideas to the whiteboard area linked below. 👇

Got a valuable skill to pass on or an interesting topic for a group activity?  🤔

Click below to send us your Learning Session outline by June 6th. 


This event is supported in kind by 

¹) The event will be streamed via Teams where possible. For logistical reasons, some sessions may only be available at the venue.  Full session details will be published in the week before the event.