Other organisations with interest in health services

The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff

This is described as a repository of inspirational ideas within the NHS. Roy Lilley, who founded it, says ‘For as long as I can remember I have been dreaming of a time when all the good things, ideas, innovations and concepts, that are the backbone of the NHS, could be shared. The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff is proof; dreams can come true.’ - https://fabnhsstuff.net/. On the home page, there is a long list of categories each of which give a number of examples of good practice. There are also links to resources, ideas and inspiration and videos.

The Audit Commission

The Audit Commission closed on 31 March 2015, but its archive website is http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20150421134146/http:/www.audit-commission.gov.uk/. Useful resources and guides can be downloaded from here.

Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCs)

Established to undertake applied health research focused on the needs of patients and to support the translation of research evidence into practice in the NHS. CLAHRCs are collaborative partnerships between a university and the surrounding NHS organisations, focused on improving patient outcomes through the conduct and application of applied health research. It is part of the National Institute for Health Research, and its website is https://www.nihr.ac.uk/about-us/how-we-are-managed/our-structure/infrastructure/collaborations-for-leadership-in-applied-health-research-and-care.htm

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management

This organisation has been set up by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges - . http://www.fmlm.ac.uk/. Resources (http://www.fmlm.ac.uk/resources ) are particularly helpful, with information on collections, publications, articles, websites, audio and video and newsletters, as well as access to the BMJ Leader journal. Much of this material is restricted to those who are FMLM members.

The Health Foundation

This is ‘an independent charity continuously working to improve the quality of healthcare in the UK’ – http://www.health.org.uk.


http://www.healthtalk.org/ - Healthtalk is the award-winning website of the DIPEx charity. Healthtalk and its sister website, Youthhealthtalk (http://www.healthtalk.org/young-peoples-experiences ), lets you share in thousands of people's experiences of over 100 health-related conditions and illnesses.

Institute of Healthcare Management

This ‘is the leading independent membership organisation for health and social care managers, supporting personal development and driving change to improve health and well-being for all through quality management’ – at https://ihm.org.uk/. The website gives details of some useful resources as well as news and policy, but some of these are restricted to members of the IHM.

The King’s Fund

The King's Fund seeks to understand how the health system in England can be improved. There are publications, blogs, audio and video, and you can subscribe to its weekly newsletter. Its website has a searchable library, annotated with abstracts or links to reports. Its website is www.kingsfund.org.uk. Leadership health topics are included in the list of topics which you can see by clicking the topic tab and reading the drop-down menu at http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/topics/leadership-and-management (with reports, blogs and multimedia offerings). Audio and video is at http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video.

Management Advisory Service

The Management Advisory Service is an organisation dedicated to providing you with specialised management and executive services. It achieves this both by offering services directly and by linking to other specialist service providers: www.mas.org.uk. Its article library is at http://www.mas.org.uk/articles-bookshop.html For management tips on promoting staff health and wellbeing, visit Management Advisory Service’s 12 Secrets of Managing Wellbeing and Performance http://www.mas.org.uk/uploads/articles/The%2012%20Secrets%20of%20Managing%20Wellbeing%20and%20Performance.pdf.

National Audit Office

The link to the national Audit office is http://www.nao.org.uk/. You can search for its publications are at http://www.nao.org.uk/search/type/report/ and its Health and Social Care reports are at http://www.nao.org.uk/search/type/report/sector/health-and-social-care . THE NAO also offers expertise, guidance and toolkits on a variety of topics - just click on the topics tab at the top of the home page.

The Nuffield Trust

The Nuffield Trust describes itself as “an authoritative and independent source of evidence-based research and policy analysis for improving health care in the UK. We aim to help provide the evidence base for better health care.” Its publications (including reports and blogs and presentations) can be downloaded from http://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/, and you can also read blogs and access videos and audio from here.

And something of particular interest. Just prior to the new NHS structures going live in April 2013, the Nuffield trust interviewed some of the most experienced NHS leaders to gather their lessons for the new generation of leaders - https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/changing-of-the-guard-lessons-for-the-new-nhs-from-departing-health-leaders


This site offers comprehensive health information as provided by GPs and nurses to patients during consultations: http://www.patient.co.uk/. The aim of patient.co.uk is to provide non-medical people in the UK with good-quality information about health and disease.


'This is the World Wide Web community created for everybody interested in the public sector and its management. PublicNet focuses on the issues challenging all parts of the public sector and encourages the sharing of good management practice.' - http://www.publicnet.co.uk/.

Really Learning

http://www.reallylearning.com/Free_Resources/free_resources.html. This is the source of many papers and free books - e.g. 'Why reforming the NHS doesn’t work' -http://www.reallylearning.com/Free_Resources/Really_Managing_Healthcare/why-reforming-nhs-book.html.

World Health Organisation - Management for Health Services Delivery

The World Health Organisation has a section of its website devoted to management at http://www.who.int/management/en/ and strengthening management capacity at http://www.who.int/management/strengthen/en/index.html. It's called 'The Health Manager's website', part of 'Management for Health Services Delivery'.

There are some important leadership and management topics at http://www.who.int/management/general/en/, including leadership for frontline managers at http://www.who.int/management/general/leadership/en/index.html and for higher level managers at http://www.who.int/management/general/leadership/en/index2.html (for example the toolkit for managers who lead is at http://www.msh.org/resources/managers-who-lead-toolkit—resources-to-support-managers-who-lead - and the whole 304-page book including these resources can be downloaded free from http://www.msh.org/sites/msh.org/files/mwl-2008-edition.pdf).

The links in this section have been tested and should still work, but this is a fast-changing world. If you find that any of the links do not work, or if you discover any new ones, or have any suggestions for additional resources, please email john.hunt@gmx.co.uk.