Business School resources

This section features these leading Business Schools:

· Ashridge Business School

· Aston Business School

· University of Birmingham – Health Service Management Centre

· Bristol Business School, University of the West of England

· The Cambridge Judge Business School

· Cass Business School

· The Center for Creative Leadership

· Cranfield University School of Management

· University of Exeter Business School and Leadership South West

· Harvard Business School

· Henley Business School

· Imperial College Business School


· Lancaster University Management School and the Northern Leadership Academy

· University of Leeds - Centre for Innovation in Health Management

· London Business School

· Manchester Business School

· The Open University Business School

· Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

· University of Warwick and Warwick Business School

· Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania

Ashridge Business School

Ashridge Business School, established in 1959, is one of the leading centres for executive education in the world and is consistently ranked as one of the world’s top business schools in the annual Financial Times rankings. It is now part of the Hult International Business School. It describes its purpose as to develop managers: ‘By developing their knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices, Ashridge seeks to contribute to their personal success, that of their organisations and of wider society’. The Ashridge Business School website is at

There is a research section at The Ashridge Journal, called 360° is archived at The British Library - Blogs are at and

Aston Business School

Aston Business School’s website is Its news page is. Information about its research is at

University of Birmingham – Health Service Management Centre

The University of Birmingham has its own Business School – more details are at, and its research and departments are at

Of rather more interest to us is the separate Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham. This describes itself as ‘one of the leading centres specialising in policy, development, education and research in health and social care services in the UK. HSMC’s prime purpose is to strengthen the management and leadership of these services and to promote improved health and well-being.’ Its website is

Bristol Business School, University of the West of England

The Bristol Business School’s main website is . It offers executive development, including with health services. If you live within travelling distance of Bristol, they run a series of talks from influential leaders (distinguished executives) - see, and also other business events (see

The Cambridge Judge Business School

The Cambridge Judge Business School is the Business School at the University of Cambridge. Its website is . Its name changed in 2005 from the Judge Institute of Management to Cambridge Judge Business School. They describe themselves as one of the top business schools in the world, offering a variety of teaching programmes "advancing knowledge and leadership through people who leave a mark on the world. The world-class faculty of the School comprises around 55 members. They represent all continents and likewise their research interests span the globe and the full spectrum of business issues. Many are leaders in their field directing cutting-edge research, consulting for top businesses, advising governments, and most of all, bringing their experiences and new found knowledge into the classroom."

News and insights from the School is at . Their 'brain-food' section has some links to some interesting material .

It lists its publications at - although this seems to be just a list and it does not seem possible to download these publications. However, it is possible to download pdfs of their working papers, and the link for this is

Cass Business School

Formerly known as the Sir John Cass Business School, it is part of City University, London, and is in the top 100 business schools in the world. Its website is at and its news section is

Cass Talks is an audio and video podcast and YouTube series hosted by BBC reporter and Cass alumnus, Alex Ritson, and former BBC broadcast journalist and current Cass full-time MBA student, Yo Takatsuki. Current and past talks are at and videos are at .

There are some research papers available from the website, but you need to ferret around for them. The best starting point is or use its search engine (try “healthcare”).

The Center for Creative Leadership

Whilst it is not a university business school as such, The Center for Creative Leadership undertakes a great deal of leadership education and research. On its website (, it says ‘CCL offers what no one else can: an exclusive focus on leadership education and research and unparalleled expertise in solving the leadership challenges of individuals and organizations everywhere. We equip clients around the world with the skills and insight to achieve more than they thought possible through creative leadership’.

A large number of interesting articles, podcasts, white papers and research reports are on and . In addition, there are Global Research & Innovation Projects & Initiatives on - and follow links to a number of papers and some videos.

Cranfield University School of Management

Cranfield School of Management describes itself as ‘helping individuals and businesses across the world learn and succeed by transforming knowledge into action...... A combination of rigorous research and inspirational teaching is at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to creating new management thinking, improving business performance and inspiring the next generation of business leaders’

Its website is. . It features its research news on and its Management Information and Resource Centre is very good – ‘MIRC is your gateway to a wealth of electronic resources for learning and research, amongst the most comprehensive to be found in any management school’. It’s on

Some of the material is password controlled – but the excellent ‘Quality websites: business and management’ section is freely accessible – on In addition, you may wish to check out the ‘Knowledge Interchange’ section, some of which is also password controlled, but other parts are freely accessible – - and you will find some podcasts, samples and some other materials which may be of interest.

University of Exeter Business School and The Centre for Leadership Studies

The link to the University of Exeter Business School is Associated with it is The Centre of Leadership Studies, and for more information, see for latest news and insights, and

Harvard Business School

There is a wealth of high quality material available from Harvard Business School. Its main website is

The School owns Harvard Business School Publishing which publishes business books, online management tools and teaching cases, and the monthly Harvard Business Review on (this is only available on subscription, but some of you may be able to access the e-journal version though your Athens password or through certain professional bodies’ websites - e.g. if you are a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). This link connects to some useful free articles.

In addition, HBR IdeaCast™ is a wonderful free podcast service featuring breakthrough ideas and commentary from leading thinkers in business and management (scores of podcasts so far – and growing!), on and (at which you can listen to audio podcasts and also download them as mp3s. Podcasts include useful audio summaries of editions of the HBR). Videos are at

You may wish to try HBS Working Knowledge. Its home page is on . The website has to date a large number of interesting downloadable articles on leadership and management, and you can browse by topic - for example, leadership is at

There is a weekly bulletin which you can subscribe to free (the link to do this is on the website).

Henley Business School

Henley Management College has merged with the University of Reading and is now known as Henley Business School. Its website is . Recorded webinars are at Videos are at Its academic areas are shown at and its research centres (with individual links) are at In addition, there is a range of published papers from the Business School listed at

Imperial College Business School

‘We provide world class teaching and research at the heart of Imperial College London, one of the UK’s and world’s leading universities’ - see For news, see For research articles, see (Health Management is at A number of discussion papers can be downloaded from


INSEAD describes itself as ‘The Business School for the World’. Its main website is on ‘As one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world to change lives and transform organisations.’ The school has two campuses in Europe (France) and in Asia (Singapore), and two centres in the Middle East (Israel and Abu Dhabi).

There is an impressive ‘Knowledge’ section on This includes latest articles, hot topics, videos, popular podcasts and publications, and there’s lots on iTunes U (try

Lancaster University Management School and the Northern Leadership Academy

The link to the Lancaster Leadership Centre webpage is and its news section is and its publications are at Once onto the Lancaster Leadership Centre webpage you can navigate through to its research webpages.

University of Leeds - Centre for Innovation in Health Management

'We are a network of doctors, public sector managers, organisational change consultants and academics, who are passionate about the health and well-being of people in this country. Our work focuses on complex change. The Centre for Innovation in Health Management is unique because it is a ‘think and do tank’. Not only do we contribute to academic research, we also work within health and social care to create the conditions for change. We generate new ideas in collaboration with our national and global partners, then test these in the quest for better public services.' Its main website is Its research and publications section is at

There used to be some very useful archived resources at on the university website but these are now no longer accessible. However, this organisational development and professional learning website is being updated and so it may be worth a look in future -

London Business School

The London Business School website is

Manchester Business School

Manchester Business School describes itself as ‘the largest campus based business and management school in the UK…. We are an international and progressive school, delivering cutting edge business thinking and teaching’. Its main website is on and its news page is

The Open University Business School

The Open University Business School’s website is

Its news page is at with resources at Its research interests are outlined at with resources posted on iTunes (

Also, the Open University’s Channel on YouTube is at, with the learning channel at (on which there are over 1,000 videos), and the research channel at

You may also be interested in OpenLearn (see this from the elearning section): OpenLearn is the home of free learning from the Open University is at The relevant section is Money & Management, which is at and From here, you can navigate your way to Editor’s Choice, the Management tag cloud, and Most Popular. From the Money & Management tab at the top, there are a number of relevant headings you can click on - for example Leadership and Management (including Leading and Managing), Business Studies, Human Resources, Management Systems, Technology Management, and Accounting and Finance. This is an excellent website to browse or explore, or just to get inspiration.

Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

The Saïd Business School is part of the University of Oxford and it is one of the top-rated Business Schools not just in the UK but in the world (currently ranking 16th in the world). Its Home Page is at . Peter Tufano is the Dean, and he describes the Business School in this way: ‘I discovered that Saïd Business School is a remarkable and vibrant community, uniquely positioned among business schools by virtue of being deeply embedded in Oxford.’ Latest news items are on the home page.

There used to be access to a range of videos at its ‘video room’, to Business at Oxford (the Saïd Business School's regular magazine) and to research papers (including health research). However, since the website had been completely revamped, these seem to be no longer available. Its 'Research showcase" is at and research insights are at

Highly recommended: Whilst the Business School resources now seem to be pretty inaccessible, Oxford University itself is not and it has an impressive Tunes U site is at It has had over 28 million downloads and has more than 5,000 hours of material. If you do not have iTunes, you can access Oxford’s podcasts at This site is actually easier to navigate round than the iTunes site, and the Saïd podcasts (video and audio) are at . And there's lots of really interesting podcasts and lectures on a huge range of other subjects (nothing to do specifically with leadership and management - but good for our education and it's all free!).

University of Warwick and Warwick Business School

Warwick Business School, part of the University of Warwick, describes itself as ‘a leading thought-developer and innovator, in the top one per cent of global business schools. Our students come from 146 countries to learn at undergraduate, masters, MBA and PhD level. WBS educates and develops global citizens, and promotes new knowledge to benefit business and society, through its executive education and applied research’.

Information about the Business School is at Its magazine is called ‘Core’ and is at Its research centres are at Some of this has a commercial perspective, though, and its public sector work seems to be mainly in local government.

The University’s Institute of Health was based within what was the School of Health and Social Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences, but it was disestablished in April 2013 - . Its publications (reports and papers) are still available to view though, at . Some of its work is carried on through Warwick Medical School -

A list of its newsletters called “Update” is at

Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania

Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania is world's first collegiate business school, established in 1881, and it has one of the largest and most published business school faculty with 250+ standing and associate members. The main website is at, which has news, videos, and links to resources via Knowledge@Wharton.

Knowledge@Wharton has its own website at (with more details at ). This includes sections on:

There are also plenty of podcasts at


If you are interested in finding out more, the Financial Times has the most recent rankings of Business Schools at

The links in this section have been tested and should still work, but this is a fast-changing world. If you find that any of the links do not work, or if you discover any new ones, or have any suggestions for additional resources, please email