Leadership and management expertise

Michael Abrashoff's 10 grassroots leadership principles:

‘Leadership begins with a personal commitment to change. Accept this responsibility, and you have taken the first step towards establishing yourself as a leader.’ Captain Mike Abrashoff, US Navy. The ‘It's Your Ship’ online learning series is based on Michael Abrashoff's 10 grassroots leadership principles. It is claimed that the principles will help you create and lead a team of confident and inspired problem solvers who take ownership and responsibility for organisational success: http://www.areteadventures.com/articles/the_agenda_grassroots_leadership.pdf.

American Management Association

There is a large number of interesting articles, papers and podcasts on leadership, management and various skills (e.g. communication, interpersonal skills, presentation skills, project management, planning, thinking and innovation). The resources library is at https://www.amanet.org/training/training-resources/library.aspx. There is a link to a collection of coaches’ videos at the bottom of this webpage, and tabs at the top take you to articles and white papers and to podcasts.

The British Library

The British Library has a very impressive collection of leadership and management publications (currently over 8,600) which can be downloaded free. The website for this collection is https://www.bl.uk/business-and-management/collection-items (and use its search engine).The main subjects are given at https://www.bl.uk/business-and-management/subjects and it also has a section on management thinkers - https://www.bl.uk/business-and-management/management-thinkers

Marcus Buckingham

Take a look at the website and resources from Marcus Buckingham: http://www.tmbc.com/ - the resources are at http://www.tmbc.com/resources. There is a related video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KeNfhw7bK0

The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)

This has excellent resources (300 articles and a free Leading Effectively e-newsletter) on http://www.ccl.org/leadership/index.aspx. There is a health leader library at http://www.ccl.org/leadership/landing/healthcare/library.aspx and click on the link. The latest blogs, leadership research knowledge, articles, podcasts and findings are available via https://www.ccl.org/blog/, and then click on the ‘Research and Insights’ tab at the top to take you to blogs, webinars, research reports, white papers and multimedia resources.

The Change Management Toolbook

https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/83f877_c338c6f644484749a0f962d0456b0fda.pdf. The Change Management Toolbook, written by Holger Nauheimer, is a 300-page book of a collection of more than 120 tools, methods and strategies which you can apply during different stages of personal, team and organisational development, in training, facilitation and consulting. It is divided into three principle sections: Self, Team and Larger System.

Jim Collins

Jim Collins’ website is http://www.jimcollins.com/index.html . This website offers video and audio, tools, articles and book excerpts. Also, in a video he as, author of Good to Great, defines what makes a Level V leader: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-KyQ90XByY&feature=related.

Crowe Associates

David and Sally Crowe have compiled a series of articles with free useful fact sheets that they add to regularly. The philosophy is ‘practical wisdom spiced with an element of theory’. The articles are meant to provoke some thought around areas such as patient and public involvement, coaching skills, self esteem, effective listening skills, and emotional intelligence - http://www.crowe-associates.co.uk/resources/.

The Drucker Institute

This is a site associated with the Leader to Leader site (see previous section) at http://www.druckerinstitute.com/ - with its own newsletter and blogs. The archives are at http://www.druckerinstitute.com/project/drucker-archives/ .There is a column in Time at http://business.time.com/category/management-leadership/the-drucker-difference/, and 'Drucker on the dial' is a collection of leadership audio interviews - at https://exchange.prx.org/series/32110-drucker-on-the-dial.

Kevin Eikenberry (Australia)

Kevin Eikenberry is an expert on team and leadership development. He is the author of the bestselling books From Bud to Boss, Remarkable Leadership and Vantagepoints on Learning and Life, He publishes four electronic newsletters and a popular blog, Leadership & Learning, collectively read by more than 80,000 people worldwide - www.kevineikenberry.com and https://blog.kevineikenberry.com/.

Forbes Leadership

https://www.forbes.com/leadership/#5634fa2b1d66 . Worth a look at some time. Lots of interesting stuff here (but bear in mind it is from the USA). For example: Tips for a successful work day - https://www.forbes.com/video/3974241504001/#d16cd331d547


Excellent leadership websites which link into Steve Radcliffe’s brilliant books Leadership plain and simple (previously published as Future – Engage – Deliver and How to make a bigger difference): http://www.futureengagedeliver.com/ and http://www.f-e-d.com/.

Garfinkel Executive Coaching

There are some useful leadership business articles on this website - http://garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/leadership-business-articles. It may also be worth browsing round the rest of the website for other interesting articles - e.g. http://garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/executive-coaching-articles.

The Glass Lift

Women in Leadership. Several downloadable reports are available from the research section. The Glass Lift - http://theglasslift.co.uk/category/research/

The Globe and Mail - Leadership

From Canada, a good leadership website -http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/careers-leadership/ .For example, this piece is on what will your personal theme be for the year ahead (applicable for any 12-month period): http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/career-advice/experts/what-will-your-personal-theme-be-for-2015/article22161050/.

Daniel Goleman

Many of you will have heard about the work that psychologist Daniel Goleman has carried out on emotional intelligence. His website is http://danielgoleman.info/, with blogs, audio and video. Leadership blogs are at http://www.danielgoleman.info/topics/leadership/, and click on the topics tab at the top of the webpage for blogs on other subjects. Videos are at http://www.danielgoleman.info/video/, and as an example in this short video he discusses social intelligence and leadership: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qv0o1oh9f4.

Lynda Gratton

is Professor of Management Practice at London Business School and is the founder of the Hot Spots Movement: http://www.lyndagratton.com/ and http://www.hotspotsmovement.com/. She has written six books and numerous academic articles and is considered one of the world's authorities on people in organisations. She is an influential strategic thinker and has just received the HR Most Influential Lifetime Achievement Award. The websites have plenty of interesting articles, videos, podcasts and blogs, and you can also subscribe to an email newsletter.

The Grossman Group

http://www.yourthoughtpartner.com/content-library A range for free downloadable resources from US-based Grossman Group. Also some interesting leadership tips and tools.

Gary Hamel

Gary Hamel ‘is one of the world’s most influential and iconoclastic business thinkers’. His website is at http://www.garyhamel.com/, from which there are links to his blogs (http://www.garyhamel.com/blog) and to videos (for example http://www.garyhamel.com/video/why-your-organization-isnt-really-serious-about-innovation?ap=0).

Michael Hyett

This is focused on ‘intentional leadership.’ His mission is to ‘help leaders leverage their influence. As a result, I write on personal development, leadership, productivity, platform, and publishing. My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life.’ - http://michaelhyatt.com/about.

Nancy Kline

The most valuable thing we can offer each other is the framework in which to think for ourselves’ (Nancy Kline). Nancy’s work on the Thinking Environment (www.timetothink.com) complements Michael West’s work on effective team working (see below). The Thinking Environment® is a powerful framework for thinking - it is a set of ten behaviours which help people to think for themselves with rigour, imagination and courage - http://www.timetothink.com/thinking-environment/the-ten-components/ . Articles are at http://www.timetothink.com/learn/articles/.


This organisation specialises in leadership development, and has a useful resources section. See http://www.leadershape.biz/resources/category/5-unknown. Also there is a pdf on ‘The Invisible Elephant’: http://www.leadershape.biz/the-invisible-elephant-a-the-pyramid-treasure.


This is ‘a place where leaders & managers, OD HR & LD professionals, executive coaches and others can sign up to access resources to make leadership easier’, run by a company called The Forton Group. Details and blogs are at https://leadershipzone.wordpress.com/ and http://leadershipzone.wordpress.com/about-the-leadershipzone/, and the six leadership themes are at http://leadershipzone.wordpress.com/the-6-leadershipzone-themes/.

Leader Values

http://www.leader-values.com/index.php - This has 'one of the widest collections of free resources available on the web for you to browse and study': search engine, magazine articles (300+ at http://www.leader-values.com/mp/articles.php?p=1&fmt=2line), quotations (700+ at http://www.leader-values.com/quote.php?alpha_filter=A), books (https://www.leader-values.com/book.php) and glossary (http://www.leader-values.com/glossary.php?alpha_filter=A). For more resources click on the tabs at the top.

Leadership Wake Up! (from the Center for Creative Leadership_)

'The Surprising Truth about What Drives Stress and How Leaders Build Resilience'. A stimulating and practical guide - http://insights.ccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/WakeUp.pdf.

Management information exchange

http://www.mixprize.org/. Lot of articles on 'solving the toughest management problems - together'. For example, see the piece on the first NHS Change day - http://www.mixprize.org/story/biggest-ever-day-collective-action-improve-healthcare-started-tweet-0#comment-28601.

Susan Mazza

Some interesting article on leadership from Susan Mazza from Australia: Co-author of “The Character-Based Leader and founder/author of Random Acts of Leadership™”, Susan was named one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders by Trust Across America in 2013 - http://randomactsofleadership.com/.

Network leadership

An interesting and constantly changing collection of dozens of articles and blogs on network leadership - http://www.scoop.it/t/network-leadership.

OLA - Organisational Leadership Architecture

Pia Lee is the CEO of LIW, a global leadership consultancy based in Sydney. She is the joint author of ‘Keep Calm and Carry on Leading’ - www.liw3.com. There are some good blogs at http://liw3.com/newsblog /.


An interesting and stimulating website: http://www.strategy-business.com/strategy_and_leadership.

Michael West

You may already be familiar with the work of Professor Michael West, who used to work at Aston Business School and is now at Lancaster University Management School. He has researched the link between good management and leadership practice and the outcome of patient care. For more information around Professor Michael West’s influential work see http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lums/people/michael-west and for his more recent blogs see https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/about-us/whos-who/michael-west (he is also Visiting Fellow at the King’s Fund).

Margaret Wheatley: Margaret Wheatley says “for many years I‘ve been interested in seeing the world differently - I've been applying the lens of living systems theory to organizations and communities”. Her website is http://margaretwheatley.com/ (and see http://margaretwheatley.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Warriors-ProgramDescription.pdf), from which you can:

The links in this section have been tested and should still work, but this is a fast-changing world. If you find that any of the links do not work, or if you discover any new ones, or have any suggestions for additional resources, please email john.hunt@gmx.co.uk.