Digital learning – MOOCs & elearning programmes

Massive open online courses (MOOCs)

A significant change in recent times has been the development of massive open online courses (MOOCs). These are online courses aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web, and are usually free. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures and readings, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions between students, professors, and teachers. MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education which emerged as a popular mode of learning from 2012.

A good introductory video on MOOCs is at (and this also gives a guide to a top 10 list of sites offering MOOCs).

An article on 'Do you want to study a MOOC?' is at It has links to these three short videos:

A TED talk on 'Online Education' is at (about 20 mins), and there's a related TED talk on 'Why does MOOC (still) matter?' at (16 mins).

MOOC providers

MOOCs list

This acts as a search engine of search engines to track down MOOCs (although it may not include some providers) - Its search engine is at You can set the criteria in various ways. One useful way is to search for 'self-paced' (i.e. MOOCs that you can study at your own pace with no completion deadline), and then you can narrow down your search as much as you like (e.g. by using the 'categories' drop-down menu).

Open Culture

This website lists all MOOCs at (it's by start date and everything is listed by title alphabetically - so it's a lot to scroll through!). The Open Culture website is much more, though. As well as links to 1,000+ MOOCs, it offers links to hundreds of other free online courses, free ebooks, free audiobooks, free language courses, and more -

FutureLearn (UK)

This offers a range of free online courses (this has been organised through the Open University, but includes a great many other courses from many other providers):, and see especially 'Business and Management'). Information about how FutureLearn works is at

NB Under the policy introduced in 2017, the free option does not permit access to the course materials after 14 days after the official end-of-course date.

Open University (UK)

The Open University offers a very good range of free courses - see and

Of particular relevance is the section on leadership and management at Popular topics include:

University of Southampton (UK) - links into other MOOC providers

Coursera (USA)

Coursera offers one of the biggest collection of MOOCs and 'provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online.' See and (there are currently over 300 business topics). For example, try searching for 'Business and management' and 'Leadership' - . An example of a recommended course is 'Creativity, innovation and change':

edX (USA)

edX also offers one of the biggest collection of MOOCs - 'we take our mission of increasing global access to quality education seriously. We connect learners to the best universities and institutions from around the world.' Go to For example, try searching for 'Business and management' ( and 'Leadership' (

Open2Study (Australia)

Class Central (USA)

The Khan Academy (USA)

Its site is at It's American and aimed primarily at school students, but there is an interesting range of topics. It's free but you need to register.

iversity (Germany)

Courses are in English. This is a private provider, but many MOOCs are free -


This American website lists 50 top sources of free elearning courses -

iTunes U

This iTunes app is at (this will only work on Apple products - e.g. iPad, iPhone, iPod, and iMac). Although technically speaking these resources are not MOOCs, this iTunes app from Apple gives access to an outstanding range of free learning resources and courses. It links into resources and courses from a huge number of universities and colleges and organisations 'beyond campus' throughout the world. A good place to start is the 'Business 'category, which displays courses and resources under these categories: standout courses, great collections, featured providers, and all business collections.

Non-Apple users can still gain access to these resources although it may involve quite a bit of searching on the web - for example the Open University resources are on (see especially 'Business and management'), and Oxford University ( has podcasts at (and search for 'Business').

Other digital learning/elearning programmes - arranged alphabetically

a. ACAS Learning OnLine

b. BMJ Learning

c. The Edward Jenner Programme

d. eLearning for Healthcare (eLfH)

e. Health Knowledge

f. Introverted Leaders toolkit

g. LeAD

h. London Deanery elearning modules

i. National elearning portal and the National eLearning Repository

j. National Learning Management System (NLMS)

k. National Skills Academy for Health

l. NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement’s Productive series

m. NHS Leadership Academy – Health Leadership Model and toolkit

n. Open University - OpenLearn

o. TeachThought

a. ACAS Learning OnLine

Acas' free Learning OnLine modules provide a useful e-learning resource for anyone wanting to refresh their knowledge and improve their approach to employment relations issues. 'Through a series of 10 online courses, you will have the opportunity to work through the theory, explore practical case studies, and test your knowledge through interactive questions and a test'. ACAS say that they packages are particularly useful for managers, supervisors and anyone responsible for improving business or operational performance. Subjects are:

  • Bullying & Harassment
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Contracts of Employment & Written Statements
  • Discipline & Grievance
  • Equality & Diversity
  • Handling Redundancy
  • Managing People
  • Pay & Reward
  • Working Time & Holidays

These modules are at, with further details of each at

b. BMJ Learning

Some NHS staff may have free access to BMJ Learning online modules. The website for BMJ Learning is Examples of individual modules that are offered by BMJ Learning are:

Communication and management:

Health and performance of colleagues:

Equality diversity and rights:

Teaching and training:

Leadership in Medicine:

c. The Edward Jenner Programme

The Edward Jenner programme is a free online learning and development package offered by the NHS Leadership Academy. It is ‘your first port of call if you’re looking to build a strong foundation of leadership skills that can help enhance your confidence and competence in your role.’ The programme has been redesigned to offer even more flexibility; Launch takes up to five hours and Foundations is designed to be studied over six weeks. Launch and Foundations modules are free to access and based online. The programme design ‘allows you to learn at your own pace, whilst being part of an online learning community of other leaders, often facing the same challenges as you. The combination of theory and practical – along with the relevant tools – helps you apply your learning, adding value to you and your organisation. The programme supports you to see things differently in yourself, in your team, and in the service you deliver. Details are at

d. eLearning for Healthcare (eLfH)

e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) is provided by Health Education England It offers over 150 elearning programmes providing national, quality assured online training for the healthcare profession. See The programmes offered are listed at

Programmes include:

· Appraisal Skills

· Assertiveness in the Workplace

· Behavioural Based Interviewing

· Coaching Skills

· Coaching to Support Change

· Dealing with Difficult People

· Delivering and Receiving Effective Feedback

· Empowering the Manager – Managing Upwards

· Innovation in the Workplace

· Large Scale Change – Managing Personal Transition

· Leading, Managing and Dealing With Change

· Managing Absence

· Managing Stress in the Workplace

· Performance Management

· Service Improvement

· The Situational Leader

· Leadership for clinicians (LeAD) - LeAD is an e-learning resource to support clinicians, of all professions, to develop an understanding of their role in contributing to the management and leadership of health care services. LeAD provides over 60 short interactive e-learning sessions. All LeAD e-learning sessions have been updated to reflect changes in the NHS and issues facing clinicians working in today’s service. The link is

e. Health Knowledge

This learning resource is for anyone working in health, social care and well-being wherever they work or study. The resource offers access a broad range of learning materials for personal use or for teaching purposes in order to help everyone expand their public health knowledge. The home page lists the most popular content and the most recently added resources.

The resources have been set up within four different learning styles:

  • Public Health Textbook organised in relation to the Faculty of Public Health Part A syllabus but can benefit anyone aiming to increase their public health competencies.
  • Text Courses involve reading provided text and then questions, answers and feedback, in epidemiology, statistical methods, sickness and health information, population health information, applications of health information at practitioner and specialist levels.
  • Video Courses in the form of audio podcasts with animated PowerPoint slides and supporting video components, Q&As, and further resources. The subjects covered are finding and appraising the evidence, learning from stakeholders, screening, programme budgeting and marginal analysis.
  • Management Training with PowerPoint slides, workbooks, and trainer notes in four clinical areas: diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and child health.

Relevant training topics are listed at and include:

f. Introverted Leaders toolkit

This toolkit has been produced for introverted leaders and those who coach, manage, support and work with them. It’s at

g. LeAD - Leadership for clinicians

LeAD is a free and engaging e-learning resource to support clinicians of all professions and specialties to develop an understanding of their role in contributing to the management and leadership of health care services. This has been created in partnership with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), the Faculty for Medical Leadership and Management and the NHS Leadership Academy with e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH), It is designed to be used as part of a blended approach, providing the knowledge base to augment clinical practice, and leadership development opportunities and programmes. Details are at

h. London Deanery elearning modules

The London Deanery provides elearning resources for clinical teachers (and these may also be suitable for doctors and other clinicians - and possibly other staff too). The link is, and some of the subjects which are particularly relevant to management and leadership are:

i. National elearning portal and the National eLearning Repository

You can visit the national elearning portal to find about the latest news about national elearning projects in the NHS - at This portal includes the National eLearning Repository which is at, and you can follow this link to search the repository (NHS staff may need to log in using your Athens ID). You can also search at It is the quickest way to find existing elearning content as well as a platform for sharing elearning resources. You can search the repository to find elearning objects and learning resources held both within the repository and at external locations. It is a centralised repository of NHS eLearning assets and knowledge and a channel for the eLearning community to publicise and share their works. So, for example, try searching for 'management' or ‘leadership’.

In addition, there is an elearning readiness toolkit to help plan elearning delivery. As well as a bank of resources and guidance on best practice, it includes a tool to help judge how learning-ready organisations are. The site is at

j. National Learning Management System (NLMS)

The National Learning Management System (NLMS) has been organised through the Electronic Staff Record Programme (ESR), and the partners are:

The list of courses available is in a catalogue at . The most relevant headings are Leadership, Management, and Effectiveness.

Also Communications skills elearning from SCIE -

k. National Skills Academy for Health

The National Skills Academy for Health ( now incorporates what was the NHS Core learning Unit - The National Skills Academy (NSA) Health Elearning platform (otherwise known as 'Skills for Health elearning') enables access to its extensive portfolio of national core learning and provides access to a range of high quality e-learning programmes. The full list of courses available is at

l. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s Productive series

The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement when it existed published the modules in its Productive series of improvement aids as an e-learning course. The website is not being maintained now but nonetheless it can be viewed at the moment by clicking on the dates shown: .

The Productive Leader materials are at

m. NHS Leadership Academy - Healthcare Leadership Model and toolkits

The NHS Leadership Academy's website is Resources are at This includes a section on the Healthcare Leadership model - The model can be downloaded from that website. NHS staff can register for the self-assessment tool ( and for 360 degree feedback based on the model (

n. Open University - OpenLearn

The home of free learning from the Open University is at This is an excellent website to browse or explore, or just to get inspiration. The relevant section is currently entitled Money & Business, which is at As mentioned in the section on MOOCs above, of particular relevance is the section on leadership and management at Popular topics include:

o. TeachThought - 50 top sources of free elearning course

This American website lists 50 top sources of free elearning courses - It may be worth browsing and following through any of the links on this webpage to see if there is anything on leadership or management (if you have time!). And there are some fascinating things here on learning technology.

The links in this section have been tested and should still work, but this is a fast-changing world. If you find that any of the links do not work, or if you discover any new ones, or have any suggestions for additional resources, please email