Getting inspiration


Plenty of advice on success here - includes motivation, quotes, lifestyle, podcasts and videos -

Art of Brilliance

This website promotes positive thinking and making the most of the resources that you have. It also has free downloads: - and see its resources at (ebooks, podcasts and videos).

Elaine Bailey life coaching

Some thought-provoking blogs here:


Building the best boards – HBR: . Includes 'What makes great boards great' - Jeffrey A Sonnenfeld:

Creativity Tools - An Overview

If you want to think innovatively, you need to observe what is going on around you. We are used to viewing situations from our own personal perspectives. However, by developing the skill of looking at things in a variety of different ways, you can make new connections and lateral leaps. Brainstorming, Six Thinking Hats, That's impossible, Fresh eyes, Wish for the seemingly impossible, Simple rules to thinking differently, Affinity diagram (this is a structured brainstorm): for a PDF with links to the individual sections, and for the whole book of quality and service improvement tools.

Anne Marie Crowley

An interesting article from this coaching website from (and click on the previous and next buttons at the top to read some other interesting blogs and via the home page -

Elevator pitch

Your elevator pitch needs an elevator pitch:

The future of cities, information and inclusion

This is a very exciting website from which you can download a brilliant diagram of a 10 year forecast -

Atul Gawande

Compelling Also Reith lectures - ( and scroll down to 2016): Why Doctors Fail, The Century of the System, The Problem of Hubris, and The Idea of Wellbeing - podcasts to listen to or to download and keep forever. Also there an interesting talk from him on 'The difference between coaching and teaching' - the gap between competent and excellence which occurs in complex tasks, and how coaching approach can help -

A History of Ideas

Excellent BBC radio 4 series with animated videos and back up notes:


These are events in over 100 cities worldwide. At the events Ignite presenters share their personal and professional passions, using 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total of just five minutes. A wide variety of topics – and some good examples of how to make effective PowerPoint presentations! See

Information is Beautiful

Do you need some inspiration on how to present your data in way that is eye catching and informative? Then visit this site to be inspired!

Improve your productivity, reduce your stress

Five minutes that could reduce your stress and increase your productivity. Listen to these podcasts from the Mental Health Foundation at:


There is a phenomenal amount of free material available on iTunes. For example, the Poynter Institute on Just use the iTunes search engine imaginatively!

Leadership movies

Need inspiration? Try looking at Inspirational video clips on leadership at:, for example:

LinkedIn - for inspiration from thought leaders, and from fellow professionals you know - and those you don't. And there are thousands of discussion groups too - including the Institute of Healthcare Management's own discussion group for members.

Measuring well-being

From the New Economics Foundation - .


The Mindgym blog (“The latest thinking on thinking”) is well worth taking a look at as there are some useful and practical articles here - and resources are at from which you can access blogs, recorded webinars and white papers from the drop-down menu from the resources tab.

Personal and career goals

This could be done in respect of any 12 month period, not just at the New Year -

The Rise of HR - Wisdom from thought leaders.

A very good (and free) ebook (560 pages). It's an anthology of essays by 73 of the world's leading HR voices addressing the critical issues facing business and talent professionals:


This website is operated by LinkedIn and offers users the ability to upload and share publicly or privately PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios. You can find out more at , the most popular are at and you can search at (e.g. there are over 800,000 presentations on ‘leadership’! -

Stanford Social Innovation Review

‘Informing and inspiring leaders of social change’:

TED Talks (Technology, Education, Design)

This is a massive collection of over 2,800 20-minute video talks on a huge number of interesting subjects – “ideas worth spreading”. There are dozens of talks on leadership, management and health (use the search engine on this site). Inspiring -

TED Talks - some recommendations

Twitter Where to begin? Try #Leaders, #Leadership, #Leadtoday, #Leadchange, #Leadershipchat, #Management, #Managers, #Emotionalintelligence, #Communication.

The Young Foundation

The Young Foundation brings together insights, innovation and entrepreneurship to meet social needs -

YouTube (or for the UK version) - try using the search engine imaginatively (there are over 26 million videos on ‘leadership’, over 22 million on 'management' and over 58 million on 'health' - so be very selective!).

The links in this section have been tested and should still work, but this is a fast-changing world. If you find that any of the links do not work, or if you discover any new ones, or have any suggestions for additional resources, please email