the Oval Office

This 7/8 replica of the Oval Office at the LBJ Presidential Library is decorated exactly as it was while Lyndon Johnson served as president. Many of the furnishings in the replica are actual objects from President Johnson's oval office, including the desk he used during his Senate days and through the White House years.

Above the fireplace, there is a portrait of President Franklin Roosevelt symbolizing the influence Roosevelt had on Johnson's political career and Great Society programs.

why do you think president johnson had 3 televisions?


President Johnson liked to keep tabs on the news, so he had three televisions installed in the Oval Office to be able to watch all three channels of the day (ABC, CBS, NBC) at the same time. The remote on the left controlled the televisions. On the right, next to his desk, was a cabinet of ticker tape machines that reported the news immediately from the Associated Press and Reuters.

take a closer look at the oval office

Hear about President Johnson and the Oval Office from Larry Temple, who served as LBJ's Special Counsel.