Application form for the post of clerk/Typist
Application are invited for below jobs for jobs all Indian & other country persons may apply for jobs with currency preference application are only acceptable through application form please read carefully all instructions & other information regarding jobs you can apply one or many jobs :-
Clerk & Typist
Advocates / Attorney
Application for the Translator job
About Us
A 1 Web Creation Topseva is working in the field of Website making, Web designing & Computer related work
Law Knowledge Topseva is basically a law firm working area whole India but based on Uttar Pradesh.
Work with
After selection we can depute you to above one or both or any other our Institution. We can give you work time to time or as our or client requirement.
Salary or other expenses
Salary or other expenses depends your job or work or particular case or legal advice it is negotiable.
Home basis Typist payments are depends on work to work expenses for typist its words/key stroke basis and for Translator its negotiable.
Clerk & Typist – Minimum qualification Intermediate
Translator- qualification is no barred
Note- No fee or amount required to any stage of selection. We can never demand or authorized to collect amount to any person. Please do not deposit or pay any amount in this regard.