Quotes from students/alumni

“This was a superb course. Dr. Boxer is knowledgeable, well organized, and congenial. He models the clarity, completeness, and rigor he expects and encourages in his students. I look forward to more courses with him to ensure my CIS degree actually well prepares me for a competitive market in IT.”

“I am so glad I had you as a professor because it really helped me get to where I am today.”

"I just wanted to let you know that part of my success is your success.  You challenged me, but were also so supportive.  I could have run like I did in prior situations, but due to your support, I struggled through your class and this has helped me to persevere in other situations I have faced since then.  So thank you Dr. Boxer, for all your support."

C++ and Object Oriented Programming

"Thanks for your work in getting 301/302 approved and teaching the courses. I really enjoyed them and learned a lot."

"A superb course taught by an inspiring professor."

"This was a great course to take with Dr. Boxer.  He is easily one of the most intelligent people on this campus."

“I just wanted to take a moment to articulate the importance of the ridiculously hard class that I took with Dr. Boxer on Algorithm Runtimes (I really don’t remember the name or specifics of the course information)… [Details of how this alumnus uses material from the course professionally are deleted.] I just wanted to take a moment to thank you guys for the hard, but necessary education. A lot of people don’t like it but it’s necessary. I remember the three of us worked our butts off, managing to pull good grades and understand the material. Apparently it paid off.”

"The course was challenging, which added to the intensity and difficulty of the class.  It's nice to finally have hard a challenging course.  Dr. Boxer was very accessible outside of the classroom & very helpful during office hours.  One on one time was crucial to my success in the course."

"... had to work very hard to get through 365, though the work was exponentially rewarding." (Emphasis was in the student's remark.)

"... thanks for leading us on a remarkably stimulating and satisfying journey over the past two semesters. It has shaped me in ways that will pass the test of time."

"Thank you for all your help this semester. I enjoyed your course and truly did learn A LOT. I really appreciate how willing you are to help outside of class and your feedback has been extremely helpful. I'm glad I stuck with it. The grade from your class will be one that I can truly say I worked hard for (unlike from most of the other classes). I think this class helped to build my character too. I'm grateful for that!"

Visual Basic

"I liked the challenge of the class."

"Class was informative. Boxer knows visual basic inside and out.... a lot was learned."

"Dr. Boxer is a nice man who encourages questions and always tries to help.  I have learned more in this class than in my other CIS classes."

"I believe Dr. Boxer is one of the brightest computer science professors and I have the utmost respect for him."

"I really enjoyed the class; the material was very interesting and I was sorry to have the semester end."

CIS 232 (applications for business)

"I thought yesterday's quiz was superb. I imagine many of the students (who didn't prepare) will not be pleased with their grade, but I thought it perfectly tested the content domain at hand. I especially appreciated how you situated the computational tasks within a realistic scenario...."

"Have a good summer and thank you for a great class!"

"This was a superb course.  Dr. Boxer is knowledgeable, well organized, and congenial.  He models the clarity, completeness, and rigor he expects and encourages in his students. I look forward to more courses with him to ensure my CIS degree actually well prepares me for a competitive market in IT."


"Thanks for being so supportive of me.  You made a difference in my life by seeing something in me that I couldn't see in myself.  I am most grateful to you."

"Throughout my studies at Niagara, when I was in need of consultation, I always found Dr. Boxer available (usually with only a moment's notice) and able to resolve my concerns. To conclude, I'm very thankful for Dr. Boxer's guidance along my career path...  he  gracefully straightened out all the forks in the road."

"Thanks for being a great mentor and giving me what I needed to excel. "

"I can say that if it wasn't for you during my transfer process from community college, I do not believe I would have a Niagara education today and be able to call myself a proud alum. From the stories I was told about you and your classes during my enrollment at Niagara from other students, adding to that of what I know now, that College and any other College for that matter needs professors like you."

Miscellaneous Alumni remarks

"I'm sure you don't hear it enough but, Thank You!  Having you as a professor has definitively played a role in me achieving what I have."

"Regardless of language, the principles I learned in your classes have carried through to the workforce: algorithm runtime, class structure, recursion. I think it's interesting that algorithm runtime was the "hardest" class at Niagara yet the one I use the most (sometimes we work with thousands of records across dozens of tables."

"You clearly have made a huge influence in my career and I have always appreciated your insight and  methodologies. Your analytical thought process has stuck with me and continues to catapult me into the top notch Consultant I am for Hewlett-Packard. Thanks again for making a difference in my life."

"Without the computer programming skills you taught me at Niagara University, I wouldn't have the career I have today.... Dr. Boxer spent hours reviewing my programs with me in his office over the 4 years I was at Niagara.  I learned more than just how to get a program to run; I learned how to code well, which I believe is a result from all the individual attention I got....  Thank you, Dr. Boxer!"

"I am so glad I had you as a professor because it really helped me get to where I am today."

"Looking back on it, what we learned in your classes (C++ in particular) was invaluable - and for that I'm grateful."

"Hi Dr. Boxer …. You have made us all better and for that we thank you. Enjoy your retirement!"


"Again, thank you for all you have done for me and the thousands of NU students who have had the good fortune to be guided and taught by you."