At Research Conferences
1. Interdisciplinary Colloquium in Topology and its Applications, Vigo, Spain, June ’19 – presented “Fixed Points and Freezing Sets in Digital Topology”
2. International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science, Las Vegas, June ’05 – presented “A Pre-Processing Algorithm for String Pattern Matching”
3. SPIE Vision Geometry VIII, Denver, July '99 -- presented "Even Faster Point Set Pattern Matching in 3-D"
4. 11th Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, U. of Southern Maine, Aug. '95 -- presented "Digitally Continuous Homotopy"
5. 7th Israeli Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, December 26-27, 1990. Presented "An Improved Parallel Algorithm for Finding Congruent Regions"
6. International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Ill., Aug. 1988. Presented "Dynamic Computational Geometry on Meshes and Hypercubes"
7. Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Seattle, WA, Oct. 1987. Presented "Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic Systems with Known Trajectories"
8. Spring Topology Conference, U. of Houston, Mar. 1983. Presented "ARI Maps and Property K"
9. Spring Topology Conference, Virginia Tech., Mar. 1981. Presented "AANR's and ARI Maps"
10. American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting, Syracuse U., Oct. 1978. Presented "Retraction Spaces and the Homotopy Metric"
11. Regional Topology Conference, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Oct. 1978. Presented "Retraction Spaces and the Homotopy Metric"
At Dinner Meetings
1. Niagara Frontier Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery -- spoke on "Computational Geometry and Parallel Computing" at January '92 meeting
2. Niagara University Kappa Mu Epsilon dinner/initiation, 3/23/91. Spoke on "Violence and Computational Geometry"
At Colloquia, Seminars
q Honors Seminar in Digital Topology, Fairfield University, 2020
q Computer Science, University of the District of Columbia, 2018
q Computer Science, SUNY - Buffalo, 1997
q Computer Science, SUNY - Buffalo, 1994
q Computer Science, SUNY - Buffalo, 1992
q Computer Science, SUNY - Geneseo, 1992
q Topology, University of North Carolina - Greensboro, 1977, 1978, 1979
q Topology, Guilford College, 1977, 1978, 1979
q Math Dept., North Carolina A. and T. State University, 1977
q Topology, University of Georgia, 1976
q Topology, Michigan State University, 1976
q Topology, University of Illinois, 1975