Other essays concerned with sacred texts of Judaism

Divrei Torah

A d'var Torah (singular; pl.: divrei Torah) is literally a "word of Torah." The notion is often rendered as a "sermon," but many of us feel the latter is misleading, in that what is often called "sermon" is an exhortation to engage in or refrain from some conduct, whereas a d'var Torah is a teaching piece, often of the weekly Torah reading or other sacred text. It need not be original, provided sources are credited. While a d'var Torah is typically given by a congregation's rabbi, the rabbi, like the rest of us, may occasionally be away due to vacation, sabbatical,  illness, family events, etc. Below are links to the notes of some divrei Torah I have given at Temple Beth Tzedek.

b'Midbar (Numbers)


 - 2014

 - 2021

Pinchas 2013

Matot - Ma'asei

 - 2012

 - 2018

D'varim (Deuteronomy)

D'varim 2021

Ekev 2013


 - 2014

 - 2017

Nitzavim - Vayelech - 2017

Ha'azinu - 2020


Psalm 92 2012

Shabbat haGadol 

Shabbat Shuva

- 2016

- 2017

Pesach [Passover] Day 8 - 2020


Torah Study as Hypertext - notes from a lecture series given at the Wisdom of Jewish Buffalo program, Temple Beth El, Tonawanda, NY, October '99

A contribution to the Temple Beth El bulletin before Rosh Hashanah, circa 2001

Tisha b'Av - Notes for a discussion session at Temple Beth Tzedek, 2009