
This was a experience that would go down as one of the most thrilling and educational bits of my life. I was not fully sure of what I had commited to do when I first applied for IST however I now know that this experience has rounded me out as an adult and as a teacher. I heavily suggest that anyone who is unsure about doing IST or traveling in general to just take those first steps and see what it has to offer. 

Sweden was a beautiful place with even more beautiful people, showing me just how wonderful people can be no matter the place on our planet. The schools and environment gave me a sense into what it is like on the other side, what schools would be like if you took different approaches. Being here will make such a long lasting impact on my future classroom and my future life.

I will say as well that being here has brought as well a huge appreciation for American and Kentucky, I now can see bits of back home that I completely overlooked. Coming back I will be a different person and truly have a different perspective on life, be brave take that step if you have been on the fence!

So for now... Hej då!