Cultural Treasures

The beauty of a bike 

What I have found to be a cultural treasure in Sweden is not a food, not a image, or a place. Rather for me it was an experience, biking! Now let me explain. 

If you were to walk by a nearby store or any school in Sweden you would see racks of bikes, far far more than you could even find in one city of Kentucky. Students, teachers, parents, and just about everyone uses a bike here, making it and bus the most common forms of travel. This may seem insignificant but biking makes a real change in a city, more accessible stores, streets, and more bike paths all around. As well streets are not as filled with cars, roads are calmer far less traffic. 

Environmentally this makes a difference, now this city if 170,000 people does not have nearly as many cars which a city of that size would have in America. Far less emissions, far less gas, far less waste overall. 

Physically biking on a daily makes a difference as well, being here for 3 weeks I had biked around 30 minutes everyday and got more exercise than I would have normally at home. 

Emotionally I felt an impact of biking, not only was my body more fit, but my mind as well. I was taking my time biking in the mornig and in the evening watching the world around me, seeing parks, trees, animals, and just the beauty of the world. 

So if you feel like you want to live in a place where biking is the main transport, then Sweden is where you should head!

Okay, now we are at the end let's have a reflection..