The Way of Trees

The Way of Trees series is a continuation of Laura Hair's investigation of human structural patterns with distinct sylvan sympathies. 

  "...artists have come to use the tree for a variety of investigations - as a formal device to consider abstraction and figuration, as well as to question our perceptions of the world around us."  

Augaitis, Daina, Curator, The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2008

Truncated torsos and branched limbs are positioned on translucent panels of mylar. Anthropomorphic figurations delineate the body terrain.  This merging of realities creates a cohesive amalgam of subject matter. Humans have an engrained library of ancient knowledge. These inherent, memories manifest as organic, textured, natural forms in the artist's work. 

      Graphite on Mylar Series 

56" x 30" each