Book of Days

Exterior panels, acrylic on wood, glass beads, each side: 72" h x 84"w

Sacred spaces evolved from man’s acknowledgement and acceptance of nature’s mysteries. The Book  of Days installation mirrors such a space. The aesthetic delight experienced during a walk through a wooded area, the lure of a tranquil clearing, and the elemental beauty of natural forms inspired this artwork. Medieval Book of Hours prayer books were also a stimulus for the conception of this visual journal.

A regard and study of the past has developed a library of vestige knowledge. These engrained, inherent memories manifest in organic, textured, natural forms that emerge as female figures then recede to be once again in harmony with nature and time.

The two curved extrance panels represent the front cover of the interactive book. The viewer enters the installation and follows the narrative in a counter clockwise direction. The exterior, bejeweled panels form a sanctuary lending reverence to four female figures depicted on a centre tree/pillar/altar.  The book entered is the sacred grove. Book of Hours liturgical prayers have a relevance to a particular time of day. The first three female figures presented on the altar interpret archetypes of historical eras of interest: eras when natural instinct was trusted and valued, when strict cultural taboos took precedence, and when intricate social codes of behaviour and morals ran rampant. The fourth figure portrays the grace and confidence we can achieve by utilizing our collected knowledge of times past, empowering our advancement into the future.