Relationship Rich Education - Mentoring &
Social Support

Why first-generation students need mentors who get them

When Jennine Capó Crucet was a college freshman, her parents stayed for her entire orientation. It wasn’t because they especially wanted to; they just didn’t know what they were meant to do. As a first-generation college student, Crucet was not aware of the norms understood by most of her peers. Now a novelist and professor, she gives her take on what first-generation students need.

The power of mentoring

Lori Hunt at TEDxCCS

Learning Objectives


Imagine navigating through a dense forest without a map or a guide. Each step you take feels uncertain, and you're constantly second-guessing your choices. Now, imagine you had a seasoned guide by your side who knows the terrain like the back of their hand. They not only show you the safest path but also teach you invaluable skills like how to read the signs of the forest, which plants are safe to eat, and how to navigate through tricky terrain.

In this analogy, college is the forest, and students are the travelers. Social connections and mentorships are like having that experienced guide. They provide students with guidance, support, and knowledge that can make their journey through college much smoother and more successful. Just as a guide helps a traveler avoid pitfalls and reach their destination efficiently, mentors and social connections can help students navigate academic challenges, find opportunities, and develop crucial skills for their future endeavors.

Action Steps