LA Mentors

(Faculty who teach with LAs)

Resources for Learning Assistants

Use the LA Mentors channel in the LA Program Teams group to ask questions and communicate among LA Mentors. 

Collecting Data

The success of the LA Program depends on data. We always appreciate hearing about results no matter the outcome. As the LA program continues to evolve, we want to make changes that will continue to support students, and we recognize that this looks different in every class. However, the only way to do this effectively is to receive feedback from students and faculty about the program. 

One of the ways to collect data about the LA Program is through the SPoI. If you don't mind adding the following questions, to the SPoI for your classes that have LAs, we would greatly appreciate it. 

How has the presence of a student learning assistant (LA) affected your learning in the course?

Single Selection  
I have found interactions with my LA to be:
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not helpful at all
Not applicable

Adding Custom SPoI Questions Instructions pdf

Professional Development

To strengthen the LA Program and help ensure its continued success, you are respectfully requested to please engage in some sort of LA related professional development. 

The program will be formalizing something in the coming semesters but for now, what that looks like is up to you. 

This could be something to add to your PDP / APDR.
