Justice, Grace, and Identity in Education



Radical Grace

From Radical Grace - Essays and Conversations on Teaching

"Radical grace" for a learning assistant implies an approach that goes beyond conventional expectations of kindness and understanding. It involves an exceptional level of compassion, flexibility, and forgiveness in supporting students. In the context of learning assistance, radical grace might include:

Unconditional Support: Offering unwavering support to students, regardless of their academic struggles or mistakes. This involves recognizing that everyone has unique challenges and providing assistance without judgment.

Individualized Understanding: Recognizing and respecting the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities of students. Tailoring assistance to meet the specific needs of each student and understanding how their identity might influence their learning journey.

Empathy and Patience: Demonstrating a deep understanding of the challenges students face and maintaining patience during their academic journey. Acknowledging that learning is a process, and setbacks are opportunities for growth.

Flexible Approaches: Being open to alternative learning styles and approaches, acknowledging that each student may have different methods of understanding and mastering academic content.

Forgiveness and Second Chances: Providing opportunities for redemption and growth after academic setbacks. Recognizing that students may make mistakes and allowing them to learn from those experiences without undue punishment.

Promoting Well-being: Prioritizing the mental and emotional well-being of students. Understanding that external factors may impact academic performance, and offering support and resources to help students navigate challenges.

Advocacy for Equity: Actively working to create an equitable learning environment, advocating for policies and practices that address systemic issues and ensure fair opportunities for all students.

In essence, radical grace for a learning assistant involves a transformative and deeply compassionate approach that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of academic support, aiming to create an atmosphere where students not only succeed academically but also feel valued, understood, and empowered to reach their full potential.


"Flourishing" in the context of university learning assistants refers to the holistic and thriving development of students in various aspects of their lives. It encompasses not only academic success but also personal growth, well-being, and the realization of one's full potential. For learning assistants, fostering flourishing involves creating an environment that goes beyond traditional academic support and includes:

Academic Success: Encouraging and facilitating students' intellectual growth, helping them achieve their academic goals, and fostering a love for learning.

Personal Development: Supporting the development of skills, values, and qualities that contribute to students' overall personal growth, including critical thinking, communication, resilience, and ethical reasoning.

Emotional Well-being: Prioritizing students' mental health and emotional well-being by creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. Recognizing and addressing the emotional challenges that may arise during the learning process.

Social Engagement: Encouraging students to connect with peers, faculty, and the broader academic community. Promoting a sense of belonging and community that enhances the overall university experience.

Cultural and Identity Affirmation: Acknowledging and respecting the diversity of student identities and backgrounds. Creating an inclusive environment that affirms and celebrates various cultural perspectives.

Life Skills and Preparation: Providing practical guidance and resources to help students navigate challenges beyond the academic realm, preparing them for future career opportunities and lifelong learning.

Purpose and Meaning: Helping students discover their passions, interests, and sense of purpose. Encouraging them to find meaning in their academic pursuits and connecting their learning to broader life goals.

In essence, flourishing for university learning assistants involves a comprehensive approach that nurtures the intellectual, emotional, and social dimensions of students' lives. It aims to empower students to not only succeed academically but also to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives during and beyond their university experience.

Action Items

Intersectionality of Identities