LAreflecT platform for Micro-learning
and its Multi-modal Learning Analytics

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What does LAreflecT aim?

🧩  Authoring tool to create learning and reflection tasks.

It can be integrated with LTI and pseudonymized xAPI data logging.

🧑‍💻 Multimodal data logging of and for learning.

 Authoring tools for learning and data tagging.

🤝 Co-Designing data-driven services with multimodal data

Learners, facilitators, researchers, and YOU are important!

LAreflecT System Architecture

LAReflect is an LTI-capable authoring platform that users (teachers or researchers) can use to design microlearning activities and connect various sensor data. The technology is based on the Learning Evidence and Analytics Framework. The learning tools are integrated into a central learning management system with LTI protocol, and learner interactions and created artefacts are logged in a learning record store. All the tools are connected by the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) protocol, and the learning management system (LMS) does the user management. The common xAPI is used to capture interactions with the tools for the Learning Record Store (LRS). Using the data that has been logged in the LRS, additional data-driven applications can be made and visualized in the learning dashboard.

LAreflecT Workflow

References of initial works related to LAreflecT