The 2nd ICCE workshop on 

Embodied Learning: Technology Design, Analytics & Practices.

Held in conjunction with International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2022)

Session 1 Chair: Shitanshu Mishra, Aditi Kothiyal

Local Time (GMT+8) IST (GMT +5.5) CT (GMT-6), Johannesburg (GMT+2)

9:30-10:30 7:00-8:00 19:30-20:30 (Nov 27) 3:30-4:30 

W07-001 (Full paper) - presentation 25 mins, Discussant 5 mins + QA 5mins
Grounding Embodied Learning using online motion-detection in The Hidden Village

Ariel Fogel, Michael Swart, Matthew Grondin, Mitchell Nathan, 

Discussant: Spruha Satavlekar

W07-002 (Full paper) - presentation 25 mins, Discussant 5 mins + QA 5mins

Investigating the role of gesture and embodiment in Natural Sciences learning using immersive virtual reality


Discussant: Ariel Fogel

Coffee/Tea Break

Local Time (GMT+8) IST (GMT +5.5) CT (GMT-6), Johannesburg (GMT+2)

10:30-10:50 8:00-8:20 20:30-20:50 4:30-4:5

Session 2 Chair: Shitanshu Mishra, Aditi Kothiyal

Local Time (GMT+8) IST (GMT +5.5) CT (GMT-6), Johannesburg (GMT+2)

10:50-11:40 8:20-9:10 20:50-21:40 4:50-5:40

W07-003 (Short paper) - presentation 10 mins, Discussant 5 mins + QA 5mins

LA-ReflecT: A Platform Designed for Data-informed Reflections in Micro-learning tasks

Rwitajit MAJUMDAR, Hiroaki OGATA, Jayakrishnan M Warriem, NPTEL, Prajish PRASAD

Discussant: Mafor Penn

W07-004 (Full paper) - presentation 25 mins, Discussant 5 mins + QA 5mins

Multiple Solution Pathways of Learners’ Embodied Problem-solving Processes in Designing Authentic Computational Tasks

Spruha SATAVLEKAR, Shitanshu MISHRA, Sridhar IYER

Discussant: Prajish Prasad

Synthesis by workshop co-organizers

Local Time (GMT+8) IST (GMT +5.5) CT (GMT-6), Johannesburg (GMT+2)

11:40-12:20 9:10-9:50 21:40-22:20 5:40-6:20

Organizing Committee

Aditi Kothiyal Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland. Aditi is a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Human Interaction for Learning and Instruction (CHILI) lab at EPFL where she works in educational robotics and multimodal learning analytics. She received a PhD in Educational Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Her research interests lie at the boundaries of engineering education, educational technologies and embodied learning. 

Prajakt Pande University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). At present, Prajakt is appointed as Design Lead at UIUC’s Beckman Institute, Institute of Genomic Biology, and Siebel Center for Design, and is working on a US-NSF-funded project on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in science (discovery and learning). Prior to this, he was leading research on the design and use of VR for science learning at Roskilde University, Denmark. Prajakt graduated with a PhD from the Learning Sciences Research Group, TIFR, Mumbai, and his academic expertise is situated at the intersections between embodied cognition, technology-enhanced (immersive) learning, and STEM education. (ResearchGate).

Rwitajit Majumdar  Kyoto University, Japan. Rwitajit is a Senior Lecturer at the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies in Kyoto University. His research interests include: Learning Analytics, HCI in data-driven AI services in education. He co-organised previous ICCE workshops on Learning Analytics (2019, 2020, 2021) and the first Embodied Learning workshop in 2021.

Shitanshu Mishra MGIEP UNESCO, India. Shitanshu is a learning and educational technology scientist with over nine years of experience currently associated as information technology officer at MGIEP, UNESCO. After completing his Ph.D. at the Educational Technology department in IIT Bombay (Mumbai, India) he worked with the Computer Science department at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA). His research areas include AI in Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Modeling Cognitive and Metacognitive strategies, and Technology Enhanced Learning of Disciplinary Practices.

Jayakrishnan Madathil Warriem IIT Madras, India. Jayakrishnan is currently working as Senior Scientist with National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning at IIT Madras, India. In his current role he is working primarily on mainstreaming MOOCs within Higher Educational Institutions in India and also works with teachers from these HEIs in professional development activities. His research interests are in the area Online Instructional Design and Communities of Practice.

Program Committee (alphabetical by first name)

Alice Mei Rong Chen, Taiwan Tech, Taiwan

Candace Walkington, SMU, USA

Ceren Ocak, MSU, USA

Chandan Dasgupta, IIT Bombay, India

Deborah Dutta, IRMA, India

Durgaprasad Karnam, HBCSE-TIFR, Mumbai

Geetanjali Date, IIT Bombay, India

Mitchell Nathan, U. Wisconsin–Madison, USA

Sanjay Chandrasekharan, HBCSE-TIFR, Mumbai