
Click here to volunteer and support STEM education in Northeast Ohio

Event Volunteering Information

Volunteer Roles:




Robot Inspection

Field Inspector

FIRST Technical Advisor

Field Reset

Field Monitor

Setup Crew

Teardown Crew




Volunteer job descriptions:

Judges: Only for the league tournament on 12/10.  The primary role of a Judge is to interview teams, and to decide which teams deserve an award based on team interviews, the robot, match play, and the engineering portfolio. Judges are paired in groups of 2 - 3 to interview a set number of teams before the
competition begins as well as interviews in the pit area.

Field Inspector: The field inspection is in place to ensure that every robot can successfully connect and compete in a match. The Field Inspector must also go through the field inspection checklist which includes verifying settings on the team’s Android device and to remind the teams to stay on time for each match. Moderate preparation is required for this role.


Referee: Referees have two main role distinctions; watching matches to call penalties and tracking the status of the match. Referees report to the Head Referee. Play a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play and keeping the pace of the event. 

Queuer: Responsible for managing team traffic to and from the playing field. Stage and position teams in preparation for the start of matches. Play a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play and keeping the pace of the event.

Robot Inspector: Robot Inspectors are responsible to ensure every robot follows the guidelines outlined in FIRST Tech Challenge Competition Manual and are ready to compete on the field. The inspection process involves filling out a checklist for every robot and placing a label or other unique tag on the robot after it passes inspection.

Scorekeeper: Manage and operate the scoring system. Play a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play and keeping the pace of the event.

FIRST Technical Advisor: The FIRST Technical Advisor (FTA) and field supervisor work together to keep the areas in and around the robot playing fields running smoothly. The FTA concentrates on the technical issues (robots, scoring software, etc.) and the Field Supervisor is responsible for operational activities (team queuing, playing field reset, etc.) Significant preparation/knowledge is required for this role.


Field Reset: Reset the playing field after each match. Plays a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play and maintaining pace of the event.

Field Monitor: Take part in field set-up and maintenance, directing activity on the field to ensure smooth execution of the matches. Plays a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play and keeping the pace of the event.

Setup Crew: These volunteers are responsible for setting up the event before the competition. Very Little/No preparation is required for this role.

Teardown Crew: These volunteers are responsible for tearing down the event after the competition. Very Little/No preparation is required for this role.


Team Registration/Check-in: Team Registration volunteers are responsible for checking teams in at the start of the event, ensuring they have presented a complete team roster, and providing the teams with their event day registration materials

Contact KSS Robotics

Nathan Sterrett          tackle (at) kssrobotics.org