Registration 2025
Register Now
There are 3 levels of Referees Registration
Annual Refresher $ 72.71 (for all full-side referees past 1st Yr )
Entry Level $135.71 (for 1st Yr full-side refs 14 or older)
Small Side officiating ( for those < 14 )
Refresher Registration
For all full-side officials past 1st Year
Steps to Register for the Refresher ..see clips on the right
Go to
Login with your credentials
Choose Refresher Course
Choose Self Guided Refresher
Choose Pay Now $ 72.71 to BC Soccer
Watch the videos the quiz ...pass and be Registered
Entry Level (14 and older) or
Small Side Registration (< 14)
Steps to Register for the Entry Level and SmallSide Courses
Course dates still To be determined
Choose either Register for Small Sided or Register for Entry Level
Follow the instructions provided
Entry Level..
Online Study: 17 online modules ..should take 7-10hrs to complete over several days;
One open book online exam 75 questions 60 mins
In Person 2.5hrs in classroom; 3.5 hrs on the field
Dates below are TENTATIVE
We've got 30 spots available for new officials for the ENTRY LEVEL course .. get registered NOW !!
The course consists of 4 parts.
1. Register for the course at (search in Thompson Okanagan region, click 'Register' for the KSRA course #1944)
2. Online Self Study (approx 7-10 hrs on your own time and schedule ... so give yourself a few days to do this)
3. Online Zoom session (approx 2.5 hrs on Thurs APRIL __TH 6-830PM)
4. In Person session at TCC (approx 3 hrs on Saturday APRIL __ 1-430)
Course cost is $137
Reimbursement Details
Upon completion of 15 games and attendance in 2 great education sessions led by FIFA level officials ... you will be reimbursed the entire amount.
This reimbursement is made possible by donations from the local Womens and Mens leagues ($500 ea) , and the KSRA.
We've got strong pricing on new uniforms from local Hansport as well.