Nordic Masters

Bagsværd fra fredag d. 25. august til søndag 27. august





Skriv dig på listen her så vi kan sætte hold - senest torsdag d. 25.5.

Delvis egenbetaling

Vi skal nok forvente en delvis egenbetaling for startgebyrer. Vi har dog en mulighed for at hjælpe til, til det årlige kinesiske dragebådsarrangement i klubben, så vi måske kan få tilskud til hele startgebyret. Mere om det senere.

Whatsapp gruppe til Nordic Masters

Om at ro til Masters regatta

Til en Masters regatta møder du en hær af ro-entusiaster fra hele verden. Dog er Nordic Masters lidt mindre end den "rigtige" World Masters. Der vil nok være omkring 1500-2000 deltagere henover de tre dage og der er løb hvert 5. minut. Så der er masser af aktivitet.

De roere som er i rigtig god form er lidt vilde, de ror gerne 3-4 løb om dagen.... Jeg anbefaler at vi ror 1, max 2 løb om dagen. 

Vi ror stadig primært otter til dette løb - men hvis du brænder for at prøve kræfter med mindre bådtyper, så skriv gerne til mig - jeg vil dog sætte som krav at du udover at træne primært 8'er, så lægger du ekstra træningsindsats oven i for at komme ud i den "mindre" båd. Jeg tilmelder ikke hold til Nordic Masters som ikke har roet sammen og gjort en indsats for at komme til at ro godt sammen.

Alders kategorier

A. Minimum age: 27 years
B. Average age: 36 years or more
C. Average age: 43 years or more
D. Average age: 50 years or more
E. Average age: 55 years or more 


Regarding the training lineups on Tuesday and Saturday, we have made some adjustments due to having only one coxswain available for each session. Otto and I have decided to split the fixed eight into two groups, with the stern four rowing as one group and the bow four rowing as another. These lineups are for the "Main" fixed eights, which are the race teams that participate in the Nordic Masters on Sundays. On Tuesday, the experienced team will row as an eight, while the youngsters will have their stern four rowing as a four and the bow four rowing as a four-cross.

Since we have only one coxswain for training, it was necessary to divide the teams. The aim was to keep the lineups in the eight as similar as possible, hence the formation of a stern four and a bow four.

For example, on Tuesday, the experienced team will row as an eight, while the youngsters' stern four will row as a four, and the bow four will row as a four-cross.

It's important to note that the four teams will have the same fixed composition as the eight teams. Therefore, if you are unable to row yourself, we will need substitutes to fill in.

When competing against the Nordic Masters, I expect everyone to participate in rowing as much as possible. This will help us prepare effectively for the race.

I would like to extend an invitation to Jesper Nielsen and Ismail to join the training sessions as part of the fixed teams on the four, even if they are not participating in the Nordic Masters. Your presence and contribution would be valuable to the training process.

hold - revideres måske!

Nordic Masters 2023


Nordic Masters 2023