Group Members

Our group is always looking for very motivated PhD students, postdocs and undergraduate researchers, with an excitement for semiconductor materials and devices. Students with a strong background/interest in semiconductor device physics, epitaxial growth, and micro/nanofabrication with a bachelors/masters degree in materials engineering, electrical engineering, physics (or related fields) can contact me. Please send a note (with CV) to , if you are interested in discussing your research interests with me. Due to high volume of emails, I might not be able to respond to every request. Thanks for your understanding and patience. We look forward to working with a diverse group of highly motivated graduate, undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

Prof. Sriram Krishnamoorthy

Associate Professor 

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Department Page

Google Scholar 

Dr. Chinmoy Nath Saha

Postdoctoral researcher

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Joined  UCSB  Aug 2024

Google Scholar

Saurav Roy

Graduate Student

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Started July 2019 @ U Utah

Joined  UCSB  Fall 2021

Google Scholar

Carl Peterson

Graduate Student

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Started Feb 2021 @ U Utah

Started Fall 2021 

Google Scholar

Steve Rebollo

Graduate Student

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Co-advised with Prof. Jim Speck

Fall  2021 - current

Google Scholar search

Yizheng Liu

Graduate Student

Materials, UC Santa Barbara

Fall 2022 - current

Google Scholar

Rachel Kahler

Graduate Student

Materials , UC Santa Barbara

Fall 2023- current

DoD SMART Fellow

Google Scholar

David Lopez

Undergraduate Researcher

ECE, UC Santa Barbara

July 2024- current

Group Pictures- Archive

Krishnamoorthy Group Picture- Fall 2023

Photo Credit: Lilli McKinney, COE, UCSB

Krishnamoorthy Group Picture- Fall 2022

Photo Credit: Lilli McKinney, COE, UCSB

Krishnamoorthy Group Picture- Spring 2021


Krishnamoorthy Group Alumni

PhD Alumni

Postdoc Alumni

Visiting PhD Alumni 

Masters/ (BS/MS) Alumni

 Masters Thesis: Vertical metal-oxide-semiconductor diode on (001) Beta-Ga2O3 with high-k TiO2 oxide layer exhibiting improved breakdown

Undergraduate Researcher Alumni

High School Intern Alumni