Helpful Information


  • This page details the feats that are worth investment. If a feat is not listed, it is generally not optimal.

  • For a more in-depth read, see StrategyWiki's article on feats.


  • Feats are gained based on class levels.

    • Soldier 20 gains 18 feats (Carth, Canderous). Other classes gain 7-11 total.

    • Scout 2/Guardian 18 gains 11 feats.

    • Scout 2/Consular 18 gains 9 feats.

  • Scout 2 gains Flurry and Implant 1 for free, which is why it is generally the optimal choice.


  • For combat characters: two-weapon fighting/dueling > weapon focus > toughness > weapon specialization > implant > other.

  • For utility characters (Mission/T3-M4): caution = empathy = gear head > toughness > other.

Two-weapon fighting

  • Prioritize for dual wielding or double blade characters. Do not use dual or double weapons without it.

  • If a party member is already invested in this feat, continue down the line.

  • Does not work for two-handed weapons such as blaster rifles.

Caution, empathy, gear head

  • Boosts skills. Take for non-combat, skill-focused party members only (Mission, T3-M4).


  • Allows use of implant item slot, providing versatility and a variety of bonuses.

  • Always max out on main character. First level comes free for scouts at level 1.

  • Max on Carth and Canderous, skip on others. Zaalbar gets for free.

Flurry, rapid shot

  • Provides an extra attack when used (you will see an extra damage number above the opponent's head if you hit).

  • Regular flurry/rapid shot (non-upgraded) are effective throughout the entire game, including against the final boss, and are free for scouts at level 1.

  • Lowers attack and defense while in use, but this is mostly negligible. Improved and master versions reduce the penalty and nothing else.

Power attack, power blast

  • Damage output is comparable to flurry/rapid shot.

  • Does not lower defense when used.

  • When leveling party members, simply go with whichever ability they already have. Preference toward power attack/blast for tanky party members who rely on high defense (Carth, Canderous, HK-47), flurry/rapid shot for everyone else.

Weapon focus

  • Flat +1 to hit with chosen weapon.

  • Grab this after two-weapon fighting/dueling.

Weapon specialization

  • Flat +2 damage with chosen weapon, requires weapon focus.

  • Soldier and guardian only.

  • Grab if available, but prioritize +hit feats first.


  • First level gives 1 hit point per level, up to 20 at max level. Better to pick up at later levels, where possible. The bonus is retroactive.

  • Second level reduces all damage taken by 2. If you get hit 5 times in a turn, that is 10 damage reduced. If you can only take toughness 2 and not 3, it is still worthwhile.

  • Third level gives another 1 hit point per level, up to a total of 40 at max level.

  • Take this on all party members who will see combat, but prioritize +to hit (two-weapon fighting/dueling and weapon focus) first.


  • Bonus to hit and defense when wielding a single weapon.

  • Preferable for builds with lower health (main character consular, Jolee, Mission).

  • If a party member is already invested in this feat, continue down the line.

  • Dueling does not affect two-handed ranged weapons such as blaster rifles.