Information for New Members

What is Aikido? 

The name Aikido is composed of three Japanese words: ai, meaning harmony; ki, spirit or energy; and do, the path, system or way. Aikido is the way of the spirit of harmony -- it is a martial art. Martial arts are studied for self-defense and self-improvement, but Aikido differs from other martial arts in that practitioners seek to defend themselves without causing injury to their attackers.  Aikido is also considered an internal art that cultivates energy, relaxation, meditation, proper breathing principles, and healing.  [Read More About Aikido]

How to get started

Phase 1:  At Home

Phase 2: Prepare for your first visit 

I. What to wear

II. What to bring

III. Where to Park (2021)

IV. When to arrive

Phase 3: In Class  - What to Expect

Our Aikido class begins with warming up and stretching. We also practice ukemi, the art of rolling, responsiveness, and falling. Then we work on conditioning and movement that leads to a variety of applied techniques. Our Aikido classes are specifically designed to get students a vigorous workout and enhance flexibility. In all classes safety is always emphasized. Classes typically begin and conclude with a few minutes of individual or partnered meditation. 

Phase 4: After Your First Class

(information update in progress)

Read more about our dojo or check out other Frequently Asked Questions

See you on the mat!