PRINCE2 Careers

PRINCE2 benefits

PRINCE2 has many benefits to you as an individual including:

1. Career

Gaining PRINCE2 certification can boost your job prospects. Read Lisa Gobell’s interview or listen to Dan Morgan below about how they both landed project roles after getting PRINCE2 qualified.

2. Salary

Gaining PRINCE2 can boost your earnings. In 2019, jobs in the UK requiring PRINCE2 ranged between £30-75k (according to

3. Skills

Studying PRINCE2 will give you some core project management skills to take part in or manage projects.

4. Confidence

Your PRINCE2 knowledge can boost your confidence so you'll feel much better able to apply it at work.

PRINCE2 helped Dan's career

Dan Morgan, a former PRINCE2 student at Knowledge Train, explains how PRINCE2 has helped him make fantastic career progress in project management. If he can do it, you can do it too!

Benefits of PRINCE2 certification

Watch this short video explaining how PRINCE2 certification can help your career.

Popularity of PRINCE2

This graph shows the number of PRINCE2 certificates issued each year since 1996 and its year on year growth. The number has surpassed 1 million in 2012 and is estimated to surpass 2 million in 2019. For more details, please read our infographic on PRINCE2 certification popularity.

Project management career related articles

The following articles can be very helpful if you are considering starting a project management career or progressing further on your career path. Click each icon below will take you to the full article on Knowledge Train's main website.