PRINCE2 Agile courses in London

PRINCE2 Agile course

There are 3 ways you can choose to study PRINCE2 Agile course. For all 3 PRINCE2 Agile course training options below, you can choose either to study PRINCE2 Agile Foundation, or PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner, or both Foundation and Practitioner combined.

Agile methods have become increasingly popular in recent years, with organisations across all industries realising the benefits and successes that agile can bring.

Combining PRINCE2 with agile creates a more powerful approach, offering the flexibility of agile, but still retaining the authority, strength and governance of PRINCE2.

Classroom PRINCE2 Agile courses have temporarily been replaced with virtual classroom courses. They are available at weekdays and at weekends.

Choose a PRINCE2 Agile course as either a live or virtual classroom course. Taught by experienced project managers and includes the PRINCE2 Agile exams.

Online PRINCE2 Agile training is available on all platforms - desktop, tablet and mobile.

Learning AgilePM in a virtual classroom environment is cost-effective (you don't need to travel to a class) and also means that you get the benefit of being taught by an expert learner. You can also interact with other students in the virtual classroom.

This options requires an internet connection, headphones, microphone and computer.

PRINCE2 Agile courses

All of the 3 training options above are available as Foundation, or Practitioner, or as combined Foundation & Practitoner courses.

PRINCE2 Agile Foundation

You can choose to get your PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certification by choosing any of the 3 training options below.

Weekday PRINCE2 Agile Foundation course

Weekend PRINCE2 Agile Foundation course

Online PRINCE2 Agile Foundation course

PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner

You can choose to get your PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner certification by choosing any of the 3 training options below.

Weekday PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner course

Weekend PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner course

Online PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner course

Foundation & Practitioner

You can choose to get your PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner certification by choosing a combined training option.

Weekday Foundation & Practitioner course

Weekend Foundation & Practitioner course

Online Foundation & Practitioner course

PRINCE2 Agile Certificates

There are 2 PRINCE2 Agile certificates: Foundation Certificate and Practitioner Certificate. See below for more information about the 2 certifications.

PRINCE2 Agile Foundation

The PRINCE2 Agile Foundation is a great starting point for learning to use PRINCE2 in an agile context.

A PRINCE2 Agile Foundation course is for people who are new to PRINCE2 and are working in or around an agile project environment.

Who should take it?

A PRINCE2 Agile Foundation course is suitable for any of the following:

  • Aspiring or current project managers or project team members wanting to learn to deliver projects in an agile context

  • Anyone working within an agile project environment, whether they are a project manager, project support or part of the wider project team

  • Non-project professionals wanting to understand how to deliver projects in an agile context

  • Anyone intending to progress towards the higher PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner qualification.

What's the Foundation exam features?

  • 60 minutes;

  • 50 multiple-choice questions;

  • 56% pass mark;

  • Closed-book exam.

PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner

PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner is for students wanting to learn the practical application of PRINCE2 in an agile context.

A PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner course is for people who are already certified in either PRINCE2 Foundation or PRINCE2 Agile Foundation.

Who should take it?

A PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner course is suitable for any of the following:

  • Aspiring or current project managers or project team members wanting to learn to blend the structure, governance, and controls of PRINCE2 with agile methods, techniques, and approaches

  • Anyone working within an agile project environment, whether they are a project manager, project support or part of the wider project team

  • Non-project professionals wanting to understand how to deliver projects in an agile context

  • Anyone already holding one of the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner pre-requisites (see exam section for more details).

What's the Practitioner exam features?

  • 2.5-hour exam;

  • 50 multiple-choice questions;

  • 60% pass mark;

  • Open-book exam.

If you are travelling to attend a PRINCE2 Agile course then check the map for details of how to get from the nearest train stations.