Aims of the project

Our aim in this project is – in addition to the European Year Of Cultural Heritage - to focus on specific European heritage in the partner countries. Concerning our cultural heritage we would like to concentrate on questions like: “What are the origins of it?” “What is its significance for the present society?” “For what reasons is it worth preserving?” “What is its future role?” We do not want to stir national pride that separates, on the contrary, we want to indicate that Europe and our national heritage consists of many different mosaic pieces which unite to one big picture.

In this joint project we will focus on the following topics:

Austria: mining traditions along the Styrian iron road

Greece: fortresses and their significance for Crete and Homer's epics in Crete: a mythical journey to


Italy: fishing and sheep breeding in and around Pescara

Portugal: traditional tea and pineapple cultivation in the Azores

Through many different activities the students will be motivated to finally put all these regional traditions and cultural heritage into a larger European context. They will find out their significance for the affected societies in the past, present and even future.

This will happen through different tasks in each participating country before, during and after the caching tour and therefore find out more about the cultural heritage of their hosts. These geo-caches are something that will remain beyond the project as well. They can be found by anybody who is interested in this kind of activity. The information in the caches will be provided in the host´s mother tongue and in English.

Activities during mobilities:

1. Virtual guide by means of QR-codes

The students will do research about special spots in the host countries. They will collect information about these spots, for example historical facts and their significance for the present. This information will be uploaded on a server in English and all the languages of our project (German, Italian, Greek and Portuguese). On the historical site itself we will put up a sign containing a QR-code, the name of the site, the Erasmus+ logo and the name of the sponsor who financed the sign. The sign will say:

“For information please scan the QR-code.” Therefore anybody who passes by can quickly scan the code and thus find out more about important historical sites. Our intention is that these signs will remain on the spots even after the project is finished so that the different communities can take advantage of them. We will thus create guided QR-code tours.

2. Geo-caching

Each host school will provide a geo-caching tour. The caches will contain information about the cultural heritage of the place as well. During the mobility the guest students will go on the geo

3. Cooking and dinner together

During the mobilities all the participants will cook together traditional food.

4. Folk evening

During the mobilities the participants will be taught traditional songs and dances.

5. Excursions to places of interest

Important places that show the cultural heritage of the host country will be visited. Therefore, the students will not only work on the topic of cultural heritage on a theoretical basis but will also get practical insights.

6. Kahoot quiz: cultural heritage

The last joint activity of each mobility will be a kahoot quiz in mixed groups. Topic will be the cultural heritage of the host countries the students have explored during the exchange visit.

7. Preparation lessons

To prepare the single mobilities the host countries will draft preparation lessons in English. These lessons will be available in all joint schools.

8. Video conferences

Before each mobility we will have a videoconference among the participating students and teachers, so that they can introduce themselves.

9. Social media

In addition to the video conferences we will have facebook groups Instagram and WhatsApp where the students and teachers can communicate

10. Website: and blog and newsletter

We will have a website containing all relevant information and a blog informing about the exchange visits.

11. Questionnaire

At the beginning and end of each mobility we will have a questionnaire asking about participant´s (both groups, students as well as teachers) expectations and experiences.

In Austria and Greece there will only be one meeting, as both Austrian schools are situated in the same district, only 20 km away from each other and the Greek schools are both in the same town, in Rethymnon.