Baden | Cycle


Baden refers to a process, and is best understood alongside the concept of ihre (meaning 'atmosphere' or 'presence').

Quite simply, the Kibtisk view is that the atmosphere (ihre) of a room has an effect on the presence (ihre) of a person and vice versa. The process by which these two things relate to each other is what baden refers to.

The two ihres: atmosphere of a room and presence of a person, are more specifically termed in Kibtisk as römihre (literally room-ihre), and zonihre (person-ihre).


The word baden comes from the word 'briaden', which means 'to breathe'. This is due to the fact that the process of the atmosphere of a room (römihre) affecting the presence of a person (zonihre) and vice versa is compared to that of breathing: inhaling and exhaling. The römihre being 'absorbed' and affecting the zonihre is compared to inhalation, and the zonihre affecting the römihre is compared to exhalation.

From this the more specific words of inbaden and ütbaden are created. Inbaden is like inhalation (literally 'baden in'), and ütbaden is like exhalation ('baden out').

The idea of the baden process being like breathing is related to the etymology of ihre (atmosphere/presence) as well. The word ihre comes from the word 'ehra' meaning 'air'. Thus, if we breathe the air, we baden the ihre.


The baden process is a core component of the practice of the Kibtisk Way. We have already seen how it ties into the concept of the ihre, but it also ties in to the other three Core Notions (ardt/soul, vitre/spirituality, and vira/the home). It is the main principle of the philosophy of the Kibtisk Way, upon which everything else rests.

What we inbaden has an effect on our zonihre as discussed, but through the zonihre it also has an effect on our ardt. The state of our ardt in turn affects what we ütbaden on the römihre around us.

In other words, the atmosphere around us (römihre) which we absorb (inbaden) affects our personal presence (zonihre) which in turn affects the state of our hearts and minds (ardt). This mental and emotional state is then something we project (ütbaden) onto the atmosphere around us (römihre), allowing the cycle to repeat. This can be a positive or negative thing, depending on the quality of the atmosphere around us (römihre).

The römihre then has an effect on us when we practice spirituality (vitre), and can inhibit our ability to create a loving and homely atmosphere which is the goal of the Kibtisk Way (i.e. vira: the loving home).

So focusing on what we baden is of vital importance to the practice of the Kibtisk Way. We must watch and guard the ihres (both zonihre and römihre) and also watch and guard what we inbaden and ütbaden. Guarding what we inbaden and ütbaden is especially important during times of vywe - when life is uncertain and we simply have to go with the flow.

We do this guarding by continually doing the Kibtisk Practices: ardzýn (checking our ardt and thereby what we ütbaden), ihrekhunciünen (adjusting the römihre and thereby what we inbaden), and vitren (inbaden the beneficial römihre and softening our ardt to facilitate a beneficial zonihre to ütbaden).

Thus the Baden Principle is the founding principle of the Kibtisk Way. Everything we understand and practise flows into and out of this Notion.

Poster from Kibtisk Hub about baden.

Quick Glossary

  • Ihre = Atmosphere/Vibe/Presence

  • Zonihre = Personal presence/Vibe

  • Römihre = Room's atmosphere/Vibe

  • Ardt = Mind/Soul/Heart/Inner-self

  • Vitre = Spiritual practice/facilitating

  • Vira = Love/Home

  • Inbaden = To absorb/receive

  • Ütbaden = To project/give-off

Where to go from here: