Equipment Sale / Swap

MRA assumes no responsibility or liability for these User Posts!

This tab is a new experiment.  Hams can post their own "For Sale" listings as .docx files.

Send your listing as a file attachment to an email to with Subject: Equipment Listing - Call Sign.

The filename for your .docx should be your call sign and brief description, like example below "WD3O - HARRIS RF-1110A FOR SALE EXAMPLE.docx"

Webmaster will post your listing.

All posts are strictly FYI and the party making the post is solely responsible for their posts and any transactions which may occur.

Please keep your documents to ~1 MB each, NO high resolution photos, NO included videos.  Including URL's out to your personal webpage is OK.

The tab is solely for Amateur Radio equipment posts.

The tab is explicitly NOT for commercial advertisements.

The tab is only provided to facilitate Amateur Radio Operators sale and swap, and NOT the general public.

The tab is experimental, and is subject to deletion if it is abused or misused.