02.07.2021 KC4TS Licensing Event on February 6 - A Very Successful Event!

Post date: Feb 07, 2021 5:52:51 PM

The KC4TS Licensing Event in Powhatan County on Saturday February 6 was a very successful event, with 35 applicants and newly licensed or upgraded Amateur Radio Operators. The next event is Saturday March 6, and all individuals wanting to take the test(s) and receive an Amateur Radio Operators license and call sign are welcome to sign up and be tested.

Stats for Saturday Feb 6 testing session:

15 New Technician Licenses

7 New General Class Licenses

6 Upgrades from Tech to General Class

2 Upgrades from General to Extra Class

Jacob Tignor KO4MEI new T

Paul Simmons KO4MEJ new G

Bill Ragland KO4MEK new T

Scott Shewmake KO4MEL new G

James More KO4MEM new G

Marc Jurek KO4MEN new T

Justin Colville KO4HXM T to G

Wiley Willis KO4MEO new T

Tyler Anderson KO4MEP new T

Donald Stegner KO4KQJ T to G

Andrew Olsson K4AVM T to G

Brian Eavey KO4MEQ new G

Chris Cataldi KO4MER new T

Dan Freye K4DLF T to G

Jason Parsons KO4MES new G

Tim Trainham KO4MET new T

Brett Martin KO4MEU new T

Andrew Sheets KO4MEV new T

Andrew Luther KO4MEW new G

Clay Seaver KO4MEX new T

John Davis KO4MEY new T

Mike Mazzo KO4MEZ new T

Arthur Striker KO4MFA new G

Chris Striker KO4KQO T to G

Marty Krupinski KE4KEW G to E

Garret Doll KO4MFB new T

Ryan Doll KO4MFC new T

Joseph Hamelman KO4CPC T to G

Jeff Constantine KO4CRK G to E