06.18.2020 KG4MRA is replacing the Quantars

Post date: Jun 18, 2020 3:36:56 PM

Yesterday, MRA BOD, voted to replace the failing Motorola Quantar repeaters with a pair of Yaesu DR-2X Fusion repeaters. Orders have been placed for the DR-2X's. It will be a month+ before they arrive, so KG4MRA will stay with the main Quantar until the new repeaters arrive and are installed. MRA will pursue repairing the Quantars, if there is any reasonable effort to repair them, but the move to the DR-2X is now certain. These purchases will exhaust all the MRA treasury, and so, if you are reading this, and you use the KG4MRA, please remember to pay your annual dues ($15), perhaps do it early for 2021, as MRA will be on thin ice for expenses (SEC, insurance, postage, and other hardware expenses). The BOD members are also making $200 donations to MRA, to keep it's treasury above $0.00. Any ham radio operator that would like to support the funding of the new DR-2X's, please send your donations per normal channels, see the "Contact Us!" button on this MRA Webpage. The MRA and KG4MRA repeater proudly serves the central Virginia area with a large coverage area, since 1982. 73's, Brewer W4MGA