Visions of the

ArCtic Future


What will life be like in the Arctic in 2070? How will society and ecosystems have changed in different ways over the coming 50 years?

Journal Article

We collected more than 2000 news articles from six Arctic news sources, and used computational text analysis to identify the topics that exist across this entire corpus of literature. Then, we blend this with a creative story-based scenario approach to generate 10 novel story scenarios of the future Arctic.

The article is available Open Access in the journal Earth's Future.

Stories and Art

The ten stories are found below, with commissioned artwork that depict ten unique visions of what life may be like in different parts of the Arctic by around 2070. Click the titles or artwork below to check-out these stories.

(Stories were written by Pat Keys and Alexis Meyer, and artwork was created by Fabio Comin.)

Nanook Station