Climate & societal change
Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
*** The Keys Group is recruiting! ***
>> I am recruiting for one postdoctoral fellow in the area of climate and societal scenario development. See this job posting (for full consideration apply by Oct 15, 2024).
>> I am also recruiting for three graduate students for Fall 2025. One student in the area of climate impacts (in the Atmos department), and One (or two!) students in the area of climate and societal scenarios and modeling (in the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology). Please contact me with any questions.
The Keys Research Group is based at the Department of Atmospheric Science, at Colorado State University.
Our research covers...
In 2019, Dr. Keys provided the Keynote Address to kick-off the proceedings of the United Nations General Assembly's 2nd committee, speaking on the challenges of achieving global sustainability. The full text of the address is available here.