OMT - L1 to L2 example
J2E cut and paste
Translate the following passage by using parts from the OMT translations below.
From: 権限によらないリーダーシップ:オピニオン:文化・教育:教育×WASEDA ONLINE (大学生に「権限によらないリーダーシップ」への興味が高まっているのはどうしてでしょう。それは一言でいえばリーダーシップが「自己決定の選択肢を拡大する効果」をもつからと思われます。Z世代と言われる今の大学生(およびミレニアム世代)が重視することの一つは、何事も強制されず自分で選択し決定すること(自己決定)です。
Bing: Why is there a growing interest in "non-authority leadership" among university students? In a nutshell, this is because leadership has the effect of expanding options for self-determination. One of the things that today's college students (and millennials), known as Generation Z, place importance on is to make their own choices and decisions (self-determination) without being forced to do anything.
Google: Why is college student interest in non-authoritative leadership growing? In a nutshell, it seems that leadership has the effect of expanding the options for self-determination. One of the things that current university students (and the millennium generation), who are said to be Generation Z, emphasize is to choose and decide by themselves without being forced to do anything (self-determination).
DeepL: Why is there a growing interest in "leadership without authority" among college students? One of the key factors that today's college students (and millennials), often referred to as Generation Z, value is the ability to make their own choices and decisions (self-determination) without being forced to do so.