

Artifact I: Needs assessment and presentation to the Cardio Thoracic surgical team on the role of therapy with the advanced cardiac surgical patient population

Presenting the distinct value of occupational therapy and additional rehab services on the advanced cardiac surgical unit was achieved through meeting multiple times with the interdisciplinary team on how a successful rehab presence could be achieve, and also through the development of several tools utilized by the team to better support skilled therapy services. The two items below are examples of such tools.

AdventHealth Pocket Guide.docx

The pocket guide was developed for nursing staff to utilize in order to identify when therapy is appropriate to order and when more information/discussion is needed. This is meant to optimize the rehabilitation process.

Trevino_ACSU therapy survey.docx

Providing the mobilization attitudes and beliefs survey prior to initiating the competency program on the ACSU allowed for a better understanding of how the interdisciplinary team viewed rehab. This tool is to be utilized regularly to continue building the rehab presence and optimizing patient care when it comes to rehabilitation.