

Conference  presentations:

#not well organized and certainly missing some presentations

underline: student or postdoc

Invited talks:

Park Yohan、東 真太郎、岡崎 啓史、上杉 健太郎、安武 正展、野村 龍一. High pressure shear deformation experiments on MgO periclase under pressure up to 120 GPa: Toward understanding anisotropy in the lowermost mantle. JpGU2022/SCG49-18,  2022.

岡崎 啓史. 脆性塑性遷移領域における水にとむ石英剪断帯のレオロジー. JpGU2022/SCG52-06, 2022.

黒澤 耕介、玄田 英典、東 真太郎、岡崎 啓史、大野 遼、新原 隆史、三河内 岳、富岡 尚敬、境家 達弘、近藤 忠、鹿山 雅裕、小池 みずほ、佐野 有司、松崎 琢也、村山 雅史、佐竹 渉、松井 孝典. 炭酸塩岩の高歪速度変形時の挙動. JpGU2021 / SCG46-12, 2021

岡崎 啓史、武藤 潤. 排水条件下における高温高封圧高間隙水圧岩石変形実験の予察的結果. JpGU2021 / SCG46-06, 2021

Keishi Okazaki, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Kohei Hatakeyama, Natsue Abe, Kevin T.M. Johnson, Peter B Kelemen, Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party. Major mineral mode of listvenite from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B inferred from X-ray CT core images. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

Kosuke Kurosawa, Hidenori Genda, Shintaro Azuma, Keishi Okazaki. An overlooked heat source in impact events and its effect on the degree of devolatilization of natural calcite carbonates. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

Peter B Kelemen、Juan de Obeso、Craig Manning、Marguerite Godard、Wolfgang Bach、Merry Yue Cai、Saebyul Choe、Judith Coggon、Eric Ellison、Alireza Eslami、Katy Evans、Michelle Harris、Wolf-Achim Kah、Jürg Matter、Katsu Michibayashi、Keichi Okazaki、Philippe Pézard、Damon A.H. Teagle、Alexis Templeton、Oman Drilling Project Science Team. Peridotite alteration in OmanDP cores. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019

Keishi Okazaki. Experimental investigation of dehydration weakening and embrittlement of hydrous minerals. Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Observation and Modeling /College de France, 2018

Peter B Kelemen, JC deObeso, M Godard, KTM Johnson, K Okazaki, CE Manning, JL Urai,K Michibayashi, M Harris, J Coggon, J Matter, E Takazawa10, DAH Teagle, Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party. Peridotite carbonation at the leading edge of the mantle wedge: OmanDP Site BT1. JpGU 2018[SCG54-12], 2018

Greg Hirth, Keishi Okazaki, Brooks Proctor. The Role of Fluid Distribution on Fault Strength at Deformation Conditions near the Brittle-Plastic Transition. AGU fallmeeting 2017, 2017, p. T52C-04

Hirth, G., K. Okazaki, B. Proctor, The Role of Fluid Distribution on Fault Strength at Deformation Conditions near the Brittle-Plastic Transition, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T52C-04, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Deformation experiment on quartz aggregates with high water contents at high pressure and temperature, JpGU-AGU joint meeting, SSS17-22, Chiba, May 2017.

岡崎啓史, Hirth Greg, Dehydration of lawsonite in blueschist could directly trigger intermediate-depth earthquakes in subducting oceanic crust, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016大会, SCG20-08,千葉市, 2016年5月.

岡崎啓史, Hirth Greg, Proctor Brooks, 片山郁夫, 高橋美紀, 蛇紋岩の高温高圧変形実験によるスロー地震発生機構に関する考察, 日本地球惑星科学連合2014大会, SSS29-03,千葉市, 2014年4月.

片山郁夫, 岩田睦美, 岡崎啓史, 平内健一, 蛇紋岩の摩擦ヒーリング特性とスロー地震の関連性, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013大会, SCG62-12,千葉市, 2013年5月. 

片山郁夫, 川野誠矢, 岡崎啓史, 蛇紋岩の浸透率異方性と沈み込み帯での流体経路, 日本地球惑星科学連合2012大会, SCG72-01,千葉市,2012年5月. 


Keishi Okazaki, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Mizuki Ueda, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, Yohei Hamada, JAMSTEC, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Nankoku, Japan and Asuka Yamaguchi, University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Kashiwa, Japan, Experimental Investigation on Effects of the Progressive Diagenetic Reactions of Subducting Sediments on Diverse Slip Behaviors at the Subduction Plate Interface, AGU2023/T22A-08, 2023

宮副 真夢1、岡﨑 啓史2,3、野田 博之4、サルカール デュティ2 (1. 京都大学、2. 広島大学、3. 海洋研究開発機構、4. 京都大学防災研究所), 石英せん断帯の脆性-塑性遷移~微細構造観察からの洞察~, 日本地質学会129年大会/T1-O-9, 2023.  ★「日本地質学会学生優秀発表賞」受賞★

岡崎 啓史1,2、Hirth Greg3 (1.広島大学、2.海洋研究開発機構高知コア研究所、3.ブラウン大学),  室内変形実験から観察される含水鉱物の脱水弱化と脆性化と沈み込み帯で発生する多様なすべり挙動との関連, JpGU2023/SCG50-05, 2023

宮副 真夢1,2、岡崎 啓史1,2、サルカール デュティ1 (1.広島大学、2.海洋研究開発機構高知コア研究所), The brittle-plastic transition of simulated quartz shear zone : insight from microstructual observation, JpGU2023/SSS06-14, 2023

富岡 尚敬1、山口 亮2、伊藤 元雄1、上椙 真之3、今栄 直也2、白井 直樹4,5、大東 琢治6,7、木村 眞2、Liu Ming-Chang8,9、Greenwood Richard10、上杉 健太郎3、中藤 亜衣子11、与賀田 佳澄11、湯沢 勇人6、兒玉 優12,13、平原 佳織14、櫻井 郁也15、岡田 育夫15、唐牛 譲11、岡崎 啓史16、黒澤 耕介17、野口 高明18、三宅 亮18、宮原 正明16、瀬戸 雄介19、松本 徹18、伊神 洋平18、Hayabusa2 Curation Team、臼井 寛裕11、渡邊 誠一郎15、津田 雄一11 (1.海洋研究開発機構、2.国立極地研究所、3.高輝度光科学研究センター 、4.東京都立大学、5.神奈川大学、6.分子科学研究所、7.高エネルギー加速器研究機構 、8.カルフォルニア大学、9.ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所、10.オープン大学、11.宇宙航空研究開発機構、12.マリン・ワーク・ジャパン、13.東陽テクニカ、14.大阪大学、15.名古屋大学、16.広島大学、17.千葉工業大学、18.京都大学、19.大阪公立大学), Mild shock metamorphism experienced by surface particles of asteroid Ryugu, JpGU2023/PPS08-10, 2023

岡﨑啓史. サンカルロスオリビン多結晶体の脆性塑性遷移領域におけるレオロジーと海洋プレートの断層強度プロファイル. 日本地質学会129年大会/G1-O-10, 2022. 

鎌戸 隆行、東 真太郎、岡崎 啓史、藤崎 俊平、黒澤 耕介、玄田 英典. 炭酸塩岩の高歪速度変形実験と衝突現象における降伏強度と昇温の推定. JpGU2022/SCG49-05, 2022.

赤松 祐哉、長瀨 薫平、阿部 なつ江、岡﨑 啓史、畠山 航平、片山 郁夫. オマーンオフィオライト掘削試料の物性測定に基づく海洋地殻の地震波速度と比抵抗の関係. JpGU2022/SCG56-08, 2022.

岡崎 啓史、道林 克禎、畠山 航平、阿部 なつ江、Johnson Kevin、Kelemen Peter. Mineral mode of listvenite from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B inferred from X-ray CT core images. JpGU2021 / SCG41-04, 2021

Kohei Hatakeyama, Ikuo Katayama, Natsue Abe, Keishi Okazaki, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, The Oman Drilling Project Science Party. Velocity gradient in the oceanic crust layer 3 based on seismic velocity of cores drilled from the Oman ophiolite. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

Keishi Okazaki, Eric Burdette, Greg Hirth. Rheology of the fluid oversaturated simulated quartz shear zone at the brittle-ductile transition. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

野田 博之、岡崎 啓史. 剪断帯内の変形の幾何を考慮した脆性・塑性遷移域の断層構成則. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

Satish C. Singh, Venkata Vaddineni, Vaibhav Ingale, Keishi Okazaki, The Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Science Party. Mohorovicic Discontinuity: What we know, what we don't know, and what should be done?. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020.

Keishi Okazaki, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Kohei Hatakeyama, Natsue Abe, Kevin T.M. Johnson, Peter B. Kelemen, the Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Part. Mineral assemblages of listvenite from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B inferred from X-ray CT core images. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020.

Peter B. Kelemen, Wolfgang Bach, Andreas Beinlich, Merry Cai, Saebyul Choe, Jude Coggon, Juan Carlos de Obeso, Eric Ellison, Alireza Eslami, Katy Evans, Marguerite Godard, Michelle Harris, Greg Hirth, Wolf Achim Kahl, Benjamin Malvoisin, Craig Manning, Jürg Matter, Katsu Michibayashi, Keishi Okazaki, Philippe Pezard, Damon Teagle, Alexis Templeton, Janos Urai, Wenlu Zhu, the Oman Drilling Project Science Team. Alteration of Peridotite in the Samail Ophiolite: Results from the Oman Drilling Project. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020.

Peter B. Kelemen, Wolfgang Bach, Andreas Beinlich, Juan Carlos de Obeso, Greg Hirth, Craig Manning, Katsu Michibayashi, Keishi Okazaki, Janos Urai, Wenlu Zhu, the Oman Drilling Project Science Team. Ductile deformation of listvenite, OmanDP Site BT1, Samail Ophiolite. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020.

Ikuo Katayama, Natsue Abe, Keishi Okazaki, Kohei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Marguerite Godard, Peter Kelemen, The Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Science Party. Crack density and aspect ratio of serpentinized dunites and harzburgites in the Hole BA1B, 3A, and 4A inferred from onboard ultrasonic velocity data. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020.

Keishi Okazaki, Eric Burdette, Greg Hirth. Rheology of the fluid oversaturated quartz shear zone at the brittle-ductile transition. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019.

道林 克禎、柿畑 優季、片山 郁夫、岡本 敦、岡崎 啓史、Peter Kelemen、高澤 栄一、Damon Teagle、Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Science Party. ちきゅう船上のXCTデータによる超マフィック岩の構造解析. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019.

阿部なつ江,岡崎啓史,Annika Greeve,片山郁夫,畠山航平,赤松祐哉,Ole Ivar Ulven,Benoit Cordonnier,Gilbert Hong,Wenlu Zhu,道林克禎(,高澤栄一,Peter Kelemen,Damon Teagle,Jurg Matter,Jude Coggon,Marguerite Godard,Oman Drilling Project Science Party. ちきゅう」船上ラボにおけるICDPオマーン陸上掘削コアの岩石物性計測結果について. ブルーアースサイエンス・テク2019, 2019.

Keishi Okazaki, Eric Burdette, Greg Hirth. Effects of the aqueous fluid and porosity on the rheology of quartz aggregates at the brittle-plastic transition. AGU Fall Meeting 2018 / MR23A-06, 2018.

Ikuo Katayama, Keishi Okazaki, Natsue Abe, Ole Ivar Ulven, Gilbert Hong, Wenlu Zhu, Benoit Cordonnier, Kohei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Marguerite Godard, Peter B Kelemen. Permeability profile across the crust-mantle sections in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from onboard measurements of dry and wet resistivity. AGU Fall Meeting 2018 / V12B-04, 2018.

Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Ikuo Katayama, Peter B Kelemen, Keishi Okazaki, Marguerite Godard, Eiichi Takazawa, Damon A H Teagle. Quantification of the downhole degree of serpentinization estimated by X-ray CT core imaging (Oman Drilling Project Phase 2, D/V CHIKYU). AGU Fall Meeting 2018 / V12B-01, 2018.

Keishi Okazaki, Natsue Abe, Kohei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Eiichi Takazawa, Damon A H Teagle, Peter B Kelemen, Judith A. Coggon. Physical property of the fossilized crust-mantle transition zone from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole CM1A and CM2B. AGU Fall Meeting 2018 / V11B-03, 2018.

Keishi Okazaki, Eric Burdette, Greg Hirth. Rheology of the fluid-overpressured quartz shear zone at the brittle-plastic transition: effects of the aqueous fluid and porosity. JpGU 2018[SCG53-24], 2018.

Keishi Okazaki, Kohei Hatakeyama, Natsue Abe, James Andrew Leong, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Peter B Kelemen, Michelle Harris, Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party. Initial studies on the physical property measurement of listvenite, serpentinite and the metamorphic sole from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B. JpGU 2018[SCG54-14], 2018.

Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Keishi Okazaki, James Andrew Monton Leong, Peter B Kelemen, Kevin Johnson, Rebecca N Greenberger, Craig E Manning, Michelle Harris, Juan Carlos deObeso, Natsue Abe, Kohei Hatakeyama, Benoit Ildefonse, Eiichi TAKAZAWA, Damon A H Teagle, Jude Ann Jude. X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU. JpGU 2018[SCG54-01], 2018.

Michibayashi,K., K. Okazaki, J.A.M. Leong, P.B. Kelemen, K.T.M. Johnson, R.N. Greenberger, C.E. Manning, M. Harris, J.C. de Obeso, N. Abe, K. Hatakeyama, B. Ildefonse, E. Takazawa, D.A.H. Teagle, J.A. Coggon, The Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party, X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, V24E-01, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Kelemen, P.B., M. Godard, K.T.M. Johnson, K. Okazaki, C.E. Manning, J.L. Urai, K. Michibayashi, M. Harris, J.A. Coggon, D.A.H. Teagle, The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party, Peridotite carbonation at the leading edge of the mantle wedge: OmDP Site BT1,American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, V24E-06, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Bhattacharya, P., A.M. Rubin, T.E. Tullis, K. Okazaki, N.M. Beeler, Where did the time go? Friction evolves with slip following large velocity steps, normal stress steps, and (?) during long holds, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, S14B-08, San Francisco, December 2016.

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Unstable fault slip induced by lawsonite dehydration in blueschist: Implication for the seismicity in the subducting oceanic crusts, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, MR24A-04, San Francisco, December 2015.

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Rheological property of mafic schist and geological interpretation to the subduction dynamics,American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T54G-05, San Francisco, December 2013.

Katayama, I., S. Kawano, K. Okazaki, Permeability anisotropy of serpentinite and fluid pathways in a subduction zone, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, V54B-08, San Francisco, December 2011.

Okazaki, K., T. Shimamoto, S-I. Uehara, H. Noda, Effects of compaction on hydraulic properties and pore structures of Neogene sedimentary rocks from Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan, Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Geological Societies, C6, Muroto, Japan, August 2010.

Okazaki, K., S-I. Uehara, T. Shimamoto, H. Funaki, H. Kurikami, T. Niizato Y. Ohnishi, Hydraulic Property of the Neogene Sedimentary Rocks of Horonobe Area, Northern Hokkaido, Japan. Fifth Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, SE82-A022, Busan, Korea, June 2008.

岡崎啓史, Hirth Greg, 沈み込み帯に存在する塩基性片岩のレオロジー, 日本地球惑星科学連合2014大会, SSS29-03,千葉市,2014年4月. 

上原真一, 清水以知子, 岡崎啓史, 中谷正生, 蛇紋岩・タルクの摩擦係数に対する間隙水圧の影響, 日本地質学会120年学術大会, R-13-O-3, 仙台市, 2013年9月. 

和田純一, 野田博之, 岡崎啓史, 大橋聖和, 北島弘子, 高橋美紀, 金川久一, ドレライト粉砕ガウジの低~高速摩擦特性, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013大会, SSS29-10,千葉市, 2013年5月. 

岡崎啓史, 片山郁夫, 高橋美紀, 蛇紋岩の摩擦挙動に対する間隙水圧の影響, 日本地球惑星科学連合2012大会, SSS29-03, 千葉市, 2012年5月. 

上原真一, 岡崎啓史, 清水以知子, タルクの摩擦特性における間隙水圧の影響, 日本地球惑星科学連合2012大会, SIT42-06, 千葉市, 2012年5月. 

片山郁夫, 寺田竜也, 岡崎啓史, 沈み込み帯での透水率変化による異常流体圧の生成, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会,SCG058-18, 千葉市, 2011年5月. 

奥村聡, 岡崎啓史, 片山郁夫, 間隙圧オシレーション法を用いた高温高圧下でのマグマの浸透率測定, 日本火山学会2011年度秋季大会, B1-08, 旭川市, 2011年10月. 

岡崎啓史,片山郁夫,高橋美紀, 高温高間隙水圧下での蛇紋岩のすべり特性, 日本地質学会第118年学術大会, R17-O-5, 水戸市, 2011年9月. 

岡崎啓史, 嶋本利彦, 上原真一,野田博之, 北海道幌延地域に産する新第三紀堆積岩の浸透率・間隙率・比表面積の関係, 日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会,SCG084-19, 千葉, 2010年5月. 

川野誠矢, 片山郁夫, 岡崎啓史, 嶋本利彦,蛇紋岩の透水率異方性と沈み込み帯での流体移動, 日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会,SCG004-08, 千葉, 2010年5月.  

岡崎啓史, 嶋本利彦, 上原真一, 新里忠史,北海道北部、幌延地域の新第三紀堆積岩における浸透率・間隙率に対する変形の影響,日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会,G122-008, 千葉, 2009年5月. 

上原真一, 嶋本利彦, 岡崎啓史, 松本拓真, 室内試験結果を用いた新第三紀堆積岩の地下深部における浸透率及び間隙率の推定: 北海道北部幌延地域を例として,日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会, G122-007, 千葉, 2009年5月.  

Okazaki, K., Hydraulic properties of Tertiary sedimentary rocks in Horonobe area: updated. Workshop on Geology and CCS in Korea and Japan, Hiroshima, February 2009. 

Okazaki, K., Hydraulic property of the Neogene sedimentary rocks of Horonobe area, northern Hokkaido, Japan. Workshop on Deformation Process and Earthquake Scaling, Hiroshima, March 2008. 


岡崎 啓史, カンラン石多結晶体の脆性塑性遷移領域におけるレオロジーとアウターライズ域における地震と断層形成との関連, 日本地質学会129年大会/T1-P-7, 2023. 

夏井 文凜1、東 真太郎1、岡崎 啓史2、上杉 健太朗3、安武 正展3、野村 龍一4 (1.東京工業大学、2.広島大学、3.JASRI、4.京都大学), [SIT16-P07] 下部マントル圧力下大歪変形実験でのFeO多結晶体の結晶選択配向特性, JpGU2023, 2023

岡崎 啓史1,2 (1.広島大学先進理工系科学研究科地球惑星システム学プログラム、2.海洋研究開発機構高知コア研究所), [SCG58-P13] 地球深部の高温高岩圧高間隙水圧環境を再現した岩石変形実験への挑戦, JpGU2023, 2023

上田 瑞貴1,2、岡崎 啓史2,1、山口 飛鳥3、濱田 洋平2 (1.広島大学、2.国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構 高知コア研究所、3.東京大学大気海洋研究所), [SCG45-P03] 東北沈み込み帯アウターライズ域から採取された堆積物試料の摩擦特性における続成作用の影響に関する実験的研究, JpGU2023, 2023 ★「JpGU学生優秀発表賞」受賞★

Samuele Papeschi1、Kenta Kawaguchi1,2、Keishi Okazaki1,3、Takehiro Hirose1 (1.JAMSTEC Kochi (X-Star)、2.Kyushu University、3.Hiroshima University), [SCG45-P17] Serpentinite carbonation during trench-directed shearing in the Sanbagawa belt: a record of deep episodic tremor and slip?, JpGU2023, 2023

Pathikrit Bhattacharya, Allan M. Rubin, Terry E. Tullis, Nicholas M. Beeler, Keishi Okazaki. Experimentally Observed Strength Evolution in Rate and State Friction is Much Better Fit With a Slip Formulation Than an Aging Formulation, 2022 SCEC annual meeting/#158, 2022. 

岡﨑啓史. サンカルロスオリビン多結晶体のアウターライズ地震域の温度圧力条件における摩擦すべりと海洋地殻の断層強度プロファイル. JpGU2022/SSS07-P05, 2022.

谷川 亘、廣瀬 丈洋、濱田 洋平、岡崎 啓史、多田井 修、鈴木 孝弘. 異なる粒状物質が挟在する二面剪断変形試験による摩擦の多様性. JpGU2022/SCG44-P02, 2022.

阿部 なつ江、岡崎 啓史、片山 郁夫、畠山 航平、赤松 祐哉、長瀬 薫平. New Procedure for Shipboard Physical Properties Measurements during Hard Rock Drilling. JpGU2022/SCG45-P03, 2022.

野村 夏希、福島 颯、藤内 智士、久保 雄介、木下 正高、岡崎 啓史、Tsang Man-Yin、山本 由弦、Bowden Stephen.Spatial distribution of heavy and carbonate minerals beneath the seafloor in the Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin using X-ray CT data. JpGU2022/MGI32-P02, 2022.

永田 有里奈、平内 健一、岡崎 啓史. フィールドおよび実験的観察から推測される深部スロー地震発生域におけるアンチゴライト蛇紋岩の変形挙動. 地質学会2021 / T3-P-3, 2021

岡崎 啓史、武藤 潤. 巨大地震発生域下限付近の温度・圧力・間隙水圧条件を再現できる新しい固体圧岩石変形試験機の開発. 地質学会2021 / R12-P-3, 2021

Yuya Akamatsu ,IKUO KATAYAMA,Keishi Okazaki, Michibayashi Katsuyoshi、Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party. Vein permeability structure of the crustal section in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from the X-ray CT image analysis. JpGU2021 / SCG41-P06, 2021

長瀬 薫平、片山 郁夫、畠山 航平、岡崎 啓史. オマーン陸上掘削プロジェクトで得られたエピドサイトの弾性波速度に空隙形状が与える影響. JpGU2021 / SCG41-03, 2021

Takehiro Hirose, Ryoichi Nakada, Keishi Okazaki, Takazo Shibuya. Quake-induced redox change in the interior of planets. AGU fall meeting 2020 / P042-0016, 2020

Natsue Abe, Keishi Okazaki, Kohei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Ikuo Katayama, Benoit Ildefonse, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Eiichi TAKAZAWA, Damon A H Teagle, Peter B Kelemen, Science Party The Oman Drilling Project. Important role of the ultramafic layers in the lower oceanic crust and Moho. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

KUMPEI NAGASE, Ikuo Katayama, Kohei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Keishi Okazaki, Natsue Abe, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi. Pore geometry in diabase collected by the Oman DP inferred from elastic wave velocity. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

岡崎 啓史、武藤 潤、濱田 洋平、谷川 亘、廣瀬 丈洋. 巨大地震発生域下限の温度・圧力・間隙水圧条件を再現できる新しい固体圧岩石変形試験機の開発. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020

Kumpei Nagase, Ikuo Katayama, Tadashi Yokoyama, Kouhei Hatakeyama, Yuya Akamatsu, Keishi Okazaki, Natsue Abe, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi. Porosity of mafic and ultramafic core samples from the Oman Drilling Projects measured by the penetration and impregnation methods. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020

Katsuyoshi MICHIBAYASHI1, SaebyulChOE, Jude COGGON, Margurette GODARD, Michelle HARRIS, Peter KELEMEN, Jurg Matter, Juan Carlos DE OBESO, Keishi OKAZAKI, Eiichi TAKAZAWA, Damon TEAGLE, the Oman Drilling Project Science Team. X-ray CT core imaging of the Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020

Kohei Hatakeyama, Ikuo Katayama, Natsue Abe, Keishi Okazaki, The Oman Drilling Project Science Party. Seismic velocity profile across the crust-mantle boundary determined from high-pressure experiments of core samples collected from the Oman Drilling Project. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, 2020

Makoto Otsubo, Ayumu Miyakawa, Ikuo Katayama, Keishi Okazaki. An inhomogeneous conduit across slab controlled by spatial heterogeneity of intraslab stress in the Nankai subduction zone, southwestern Japan. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019

Pathikrit Bhattacharya, Allan M Rubin, Terry E Tullis, Nicholas M Beeler, Keishi Okazaki. Where did the time go? The remarkable slip-sensitivity of fault healing at quasi-stationary slip rates. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019

大坪 誠、宮川 歩夢、片山 郁夫、岡崎 啓史. Inhomogeneous conduit across slab controlled by intraslab stress heterogeneity in the Nankai subduction zone. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019

岡崎 啓史、片山 郁夫、山口 飛鳥. 半遠洋性堆積物の続成作用に伴う摩擦・透水特性の変化. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019

岡崎 啓史、阿部 なつ江、畠山 航平、赤松 祐哉、片山 郁夫、高澤 栄一、Damon Teagle、Peter Kelemen、Jude Coggon、Oman Drilling Prj Ph2 Sci. Party. Physical property of the fossilized crust-mantle transition zone from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole CM1A and CM2B measured onboard D/V Chikyu. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019

片山 郁夫、岡崎 啓史、阿部 なつ江、Ulven Ole Ivar、Hong Gilbert、Zhu Wenlu、Cordonnier Benoit、畠山 航平、赤松 祐哉、道林 克禎、Godard Marguerite、Kelemen Peter、The Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Science Party. Permeability profile in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from resistivity measurements. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019

Natsue Abe, Keishi Okazaki, Ikuo Katayama, Kohei Hatakeyama, Ole Ivar Ulven, Gilbert Hong, Wenlu Zhu, Benoit Cordonnier, Yuya Akamatsu, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Eiichi Takazawa, Marguerite Godard, Teagle Damon, Peter Kelemen, Juerg Michael Matter, Jude Ann Coggon and The Oman Drilling Project Phase II Science Party. Initial report of physical property measurements, ChikyuOman 2018: Crust-Mantle boundary and the mantle section from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Phase II. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018

岡崎啓史, 片山郁夫, 山口飛鳥. 半遠洋性堆積物の続成作用に伴う透水・摩擦特性変化. 日本地質学会第125年学術大会, 2018

鈴木孝弘・濱田洋平・廣瀬丈洋・谷川 亘・岡㟢啓史・多田井 修. 室内掘削実験を通した掘削等価強度法の検証. 日本地質学会第125年学術大会, 2018

Burdette, E., K. Okazaki, G. Hirth, The Role of Compliance and Reaction Rate in Dehydration Weakening and Frictional Stability of Antigorite, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T41D-0655, New Orleans, December 2017. 

French, M.E., G. Hirth, K. Okazaki, The constitutive behavior of antigorite gouge under fluid-saturated undrained conditions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, MR21B-0449, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Okazaki, K., N. Abe, K. Hatakeyama, B. Ildefonse, J.A.M Leong, Y. Tateishi, D.A.H. Teagle, E. Takazawa, P.B. Kelemen, K. Michibayashi, J. A. Coggon, M. Harris, J.C. de Obeso, Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party, Initial report of the physical property measurement, ChikyuOman core description Phase I: sheeted dike and gabbro boundary from ICDP Holes GT1A, GT2A and GT3A, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, V43G-2951, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Hatakeyama, K., K. Okazaki, N. Abe, J.A.M. Leong, K. Michibayashi, P.B. Kelemen, M. Harris, Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party, Initial results on the physical property measurement of ChikyuOman cores: listvenite, serpentinite and the metamorphic sole from ICDP Hole BT1B, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, V43G-2943, New Orleans, December 2017. 

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, I. Katayama, Experimental investigation of dehydration weakening and embrittlement of antigorite serpentinite and possible mechanisms to induce various fault slip behaviors in subduction zones, JpGU-AGU joint meeting, SCG66-P05, Chiba, May 2017.

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Deformation Experiment on Quartz Aggregates with High Porosity and High Water Contents at High Pressure and Temperature, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T21D-2870, San Francisco, December 2016.

Hirth, G., K. Okazaki, B. Proctor, Experimental investigation of processes responsible for dehydration weakening and embrittlement, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, S41B-2780, San Francisco, December 2016.

Goldsby, D., T. Tullis, J. Platt, K. Okazaki, Experimental Studies of Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal Pressurization of Pore Fluids, European Geosciences Union General Assembly Conference, EGU2016-18293, Vienna, April 2016.

Seyler, C., A. Getsinger, G. Hirth, K. Robertson, K. Okazaki, Relating Amphibole Abundance to the Rheology of the Lower Crust, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T41C-2907, San Francisco, December 2015.

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Unstable fault slip induced by lawsonite dehydration in blueschist: Implication for the seismicity in the subducting oceanic crusts, 2015 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute on Subduction Cycles and Deformation, Redondo Beach, CA, October 2015. 

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Deformation Experiments on Blueschist and Greenschist: Implications for the Rheology of Subducted Oceanic Crust, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, S11B-4342, San Francisco, December 2014.

Goldsby, D.L., T.E. Tullis, K. Okazaki, J.D. Platt, T.M. Mitchell, Experimental Studies of Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal Pore-Fluid Pressurization, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, S11C-4357, San Francisco, December 2014.

Okazaki, K., H. Noda, S. Uehara, T. Shimamoto, Permeability, porosity and pore geometry evolution of cohesive and incohesive sedimentary rocks, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, FARM-144, Palm Springs, USA, September 2014.

Noda, H., K. Okazaki, I. Katayama, Strengthening of synthetic quartz-rich sediments during time-dependent compaction due to pressure solution-precipitation compaction creep, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T43D-2684, San Francisco, December 2013.

Okazaki, K., I. Katayama, M. Takahashi, Slow stick-slip of serpentinite as a possible mechanism of slow earthquakes, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, FARM-175, Palm Springs, USA, September 2013.

Okazaki, K., I. Katayama, H. Noda, M. Takahashi, Shear-induced permeability anisotropy of simulated antigorite serpentinite gouge, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, S21B-2465, San Francisco, USA, December 2012. 

Katayama, I., K. Okazaki, W. Tanikawa, Water accumulation and pore pressure build-up in mantle wedge due to permeability barrier, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, T13A-2353, San Francisco, USA, December 2012.

Okazaki, K., I. Katayama, H. Noda, M. Takahashi, Development of permeability anisotropy of antigorite serpentinite gouge during shear deformation, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, 34, Andover, USA, August 2012.

Noda, H., K. Okazaki, I. Katayama, Time-dependent consolidation and reduction in permeability of quartz aggregate due to pressure solution precipitation compaction creep, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, 7, Andover, USA, August 2012.

Okazaki, K., I. Katayama, M. Takahashi K. Masuda, Deformation experiments of serpentinite under high pore pressure and hydrothermal conditions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, MR31A-1978, San Francisco, December 2010.

Kawano, S., I. Katayama, K. Okazaki, Permeability anisotropy of serpentinite and fluid migration in subduction zones, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, MR31A-1977, San Francisco, December 2010.

Okazaki, K., T. Shimamoto, S-I. Uehara, The Maximum Seal Capacity Concept as Applied to Neogene Sedimentary Rocks in Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, H23F-1020, San Francisco, December 2009.

Okazaki, K., G. Hirth, Unstable fault slip induced by lawsonite dehydration in blueschist: Implication for the seismicity in the subducting oceanic crusts, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, MR24A-04, San Francisco, December 2015. 

上原真一, 清水以知子, 岡崎啓史, 中谷正生, タルクおよび蛇紋岩の摩擦特性における間隙水圧と応力履歴の影響, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会,SIT38-P04 千葉市, 2013年5月. 

野田博之, 岡崎啓史, 片山郁夫, 圧力溶解析出クリープによる石英粉末の固化と浸透率の低下について, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会,SSS31-P27 千葉市, 2013年5月. 

濱崎翔平, 片山郁夫, 岡崎啓史, 三軸破壊による花崗岩の空隙率・浸透率のリアルタイム測定, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会,SMP47-P02, 千葉市, 2013年5月. 

和田純一, 野田博之, 岡崎啓史, 安東淳一, 金川久一, 井上厚行, 廣瀬丈洋, 片山郁夫, ドレライトガウジの非晶質化と摩擦特性に対する影響, 日本地質学会119年学術大会, R12-P-2, 大阪市, 2012年9月. 

Okazaki, K., I. Katayama, M. Takahahsi, EFFECT OF PORE FLUID PRESSURE ON THE FRICTIONAL BEHAVIORS OF SERPENTINITE, Misasa-Geo Fluid 2012, Misasa, March 2012. 

岡崎啓史、片山郁夫、高橋美紀、増田幸治、ガス圧式高温高圧試験機を用いた蛇紋岩の変形実験:沈み込み帯で発生するスロー地震への適用、日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会,SSS35-P24, 千葉, 2011年5月 地球惑星科学連合大会学生優秀発表賞受賞. 

片山郁夫, 河野義生, 岡崎啓史, 渡辺了, 流体が存在する条件での岩石の弾性波速度測定, 日本地質学会第117年学術大会, P117, 水戸市, 2010年9月. 

川野誠矢, 片山郁夫, 岡崎啓史, 嶋本利彦,蛇紋岩の透水率異方性と沈み込み帯での流体移動に関する考察,日本地球化学会2009年会, 広島, 2009年9月.  

Seminar talks, etc.:

Keishi Okazaki, Variety of slip behaviors induced by syndeformational dehydration of lawsonite and antigorite, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, September 2016. 

岡崎啓史, 脱水反応時のローソン石の不安定すべり挙動:沈み込み帯での深発地震との関連性, 広島大学, 2015年3月. 


高知大学付属中学校(出前授業) 2019年10月. 

南国市立長岡小学校(出前授業) 2019年10月. 

 研究紹介(Elms大学、高知県立大学) 2019年6月. 

高知市立高知国際中学校(インタビュー) 2018年4月. 

高知市立愛宕中学校(出前授業) 2017年3月.