Kazuyuki Iwase's Web site (English page)


Kazuyuki IWASE

​Senior Assistant professor,

Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University,

2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai   980-8577, Japan

​TEL : +81-22-217-5630 or +81-22-217-5816

E-mail : kazuyuki.iwase.a6 [a] ###             [a] → @           ### → tohoku.ac.jp

Researcher Profile

Google Scholar ORCID Research Gate,   ​Publons Research Map

Research Interest

Electrocatalysis,  Chemical Engineering (catalysis), Carbon dioxide reduction reaction, Energy conversion devices


Ph. D. in Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo   (Prof. Dr. Masaru Miyayama)


M.S. in Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo   (Prof.  Dr. Kazuhito Hashimoto)


B.S. in Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo  (Prof.  Dr. Koji Kishio)


2023.04 ~ Present
Senior Assistant professor
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University  (Prof. Dr. Takaaki Tomai)

2019.04 ~ 2023.03
Assistant professor
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University  (Prof. Dr. Itaru Honma)

2018.10 ~ 2019.02
Visiting researcher @Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Schmidt)

2018.10 ~ 2019.03
Research Fellow for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Postdoctoral Fellow (PD) (Prof. Dr. Shuji Nakanishi)

Visiting Scholar of Osaka university (Prof. Dr. Shuji Nakanishi)

2016.04 ~ 2018.09
Research Fellow for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Doctoral Course Students (DC1)

Publications (Latest update, 2024/06/05)

Accepted articles: 29
Corresponding author (*) : 8 (Accepted articles)
First author (: equally contributed to first author) : 14 (Accepted articles)










2021.10.28 The 5th Symposium for The Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics, and the 4th Symposium on International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science, Poster award.

2016 Student Presentation Award in The 97th Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan,

2016 The 43th international exchange support to young researchers of The Electrochemical Society of Japan

2014 The 20th SIEMME Best Oral Presentation Award, SIEMME’ 20

Invited lecture




Academic acitivity

Peer- review

 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nat. Sustain.,  Appl. Catal. B, New J. Chem., Appl. Surf. Sci. RSC Adv., 


2022. 04 - 2025. 03 (Principal Investigator) ¥13,700,000-
JSPS : Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid(B)
Development of highly active and selective elecrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction reaction
(Grant No : 22H02175)

2020. 04 - 2022. 03 (Principal Investigator) ¥3,300,000-
Development of highly active electrocatalysts with single-metal active center using layered compound as catalytic supports
JSPS : Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists
(Grant No : 20K15374)

2019. 10 - 2021. 03 (Principal Investigator) ¥2,200,000-
Development of non-noble-metal based highly active carbon dioxide reduction electrocatalysts
JSPS : Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up
(Grant No : 19K23644)

2018. 10
JSPS : Exchange program of young researchers between Japan and Switzerland 2018 

2016. 04 - 2019. 03 (Principal Investigator) ¥2,800,000-
Development of copper-modified covalent organic frameworks as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions
JSPS : Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (DC1)
(Grant No : 16J09552)