"start somewhere" is exactly what it sounds like.

These are letters to myself and to my closest ones. Reminders, mantras and reaffirmations, to remind me why I am on this Path. Why I am allowing myself to choose my Dreams and live my dharma.

My first self-produced, recorded and engineered project, I made this between April and June when I first started studying Audio Engineering and Music Production at SAE Institute.

I ended up losing a lot of my project stems while transferring between the school computers to my new laptop and the project took a backseat throughout the summer. Enthused and brimming with new knowledge, I proceeded to make my debut single "what you want" as well as many other projects.

I decided that despite this projects imperfections in the realms of mixing pre-mastering, I am still releasing it on ALL streaming platforms. As an act of self love, humility and compassion for myself, I'm accepting this project as well as myself with all of our imperfections and ways we have yet to grow.

If you're reading this right now, know that I am deeply grateful for you for following along on my musical journey. This is just the VERY BEGINNING. Stay tuned for SO much more to come.