photo of me busking at Commercial-Broadway Station by Barry Johnson, street photographer

SELF-PRODUCED EP #2 - COMING IN 2023 - release TBA

"something for the pain" is a 4-track EP that contains the depths of pain that a heart like mine is bound to feel.

Cinematic and Experimental, this project plays with elements from hiphop, R&B, Alternative Rock and more.

Encompassed within soundscapes of my own unique design, each song is meant to touch deep chords in anyone who has experienced pain. From trauma to heartbreak, being lost and finally found, I hope that this EP will find you well in your inner world, where small versions of you may hide from the demons inside. And that in that space, these songs will meet you and embrace you, allowing you to then hold yourself and welcome those parts of you back home. May you know that you are not alone and that those feelings we tend to fear and hide are Sacred and deserve to be seen and heard.