CS527: Computer System

Compulsory course in first semester for MTech CSE and MTech AI students.

This course intends to provide an overall view of a computer system with sufficient details at each level of the computer system stack. Students at the end of the course will have an understanding of how various levels across the stack influence designs, interact with other levels.

I will be teaching the first half of the course during Aug-Dec 2019. Post mid-semester examination, Dr. Shirshendu Das will handle.

Till the mid-sem, students will be provided basics starting from ISA (RISC-V), Pipelining, Memory hierarchy, and optimizing programs with a better understanding of underlying hardware.

Text books:

  • Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective by Randal E Bryant, David R O’Hallaron, 3rd edition, Pearson.
  • Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware-Software Interface, RISC-V edition by David A Patterson, John L Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann.