Social and Emotional Learning

According to CASEL, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Greeting all students before class

Good news

social contracts

SEL Curriculum

School Climate Assessment

SEL Data Collection

Finding the right tool to collect SEL data can be challenging.  However, this is an essential part of a strong SEL program. 

Mood Meter or Feeling Check-In

Having a tool for students to self-assess their mood is a helpful way to teach self-awareness and give teachers an idea of how to meet student needs.  The Mood Meter is a component of the RULER Approach, developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.

For a copy of the SECONDARY version of the Mood Meter, go HEREFor a copy of the ELEMENTARY version of the Mood Meter, go HERE.

The Zones of Regulation is also a popular tool used in many schools. This model offers an effective way to help students recognize their emotions and begins to take steps toward regulation. It also offers many supplementary materials to purchase for whole class or small groups. 

Targeted Social Skills Instruction

A process to offer small groups of student social skills instruction based on areas of need.

1:1 Student Check-in

A time to meet with students one-to-one in order to offer them support, instruction, or address needs.

Individual Social SKills Instruction

An intensive intervention to offer a student social skills instruction that is based on demonstrated skills gaps or need for additional support. Click on linked image for further resources.


 In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is providing Social Emotional Learning Resources. This site includes; answers to frequently asked questions, an overview of SEL, steps for implementation, research and resources.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL). CASEL supports educators and policy leaders and enhances the experiences and outcomes for all PreK-12 students. 

Edutopia provides an online learning hub for research, videos, and classroom materials. Find and share resources for creating a healthy school culture by helping students develop skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and make responsible decisions.

Greater Good in Education, Science Based Practices for Kinder, Happier Schools,  is a resource managed by UC Berkeley.  It contains practices for developing students' social and emotional well-being, ethical decision-making skills, kindness, gratitude, and other prosocial qualities.

This article gives helpful guidance on how to implement SEL in a school or district.

The State of Michigan has a document that connects SEL to the School Improvement Framework.