Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

The Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports defines Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed.

Tier 1 Behavioral Support

Tier 1 behavioral supports are the system-wide universal practices/supports provided to all students within a school to promote positive behavior and successful school outcomes. School-wide behavioral expectations are established, taught, practiced, monitored, and reinforced. These preventative and proactive supports should be implemented for all students, staff, and settings.

Classwide attention signal

  • Clear attention signal for all

  • Followed by all students

  • Easy to use and understand

School wide Behavior Expectations

  • School has clearly defined expectations for all students.

  • Easy to see and understand

  • Align with school values and culture

Greeting Students

Every Day, Every Hour,

Every Staff Member

  • Staff members greet students by name as they enter our rooms.

  • Teach students and staff to be mindful of their body language

Acknowledge Positive Behaviors

  • Universal system in place to acknowledge positive behavior

  • System should be easy to use for staff and students

  • Students are able to trade tickets or similar item in for fun items, enjoyable activities, or special privileges

Tier 2 Behavioral Support

Tier 2 behavioral supports are the targeted practices and systems for students who are not successful with Tier 1 supports alone. It is a secondary level of support to reduce current incidents of behavior for students considered “at-risk” for engaging in problem behavior. These interventions/strategies are often implemented with a group of students demonstrating similar behavioral problems. It is important to note that students receiving Tier 2 intervention support continue to engage in the Tier 1 or universal support.

Simple Behavior Plan

This is a simple plan that is developed for a student to help shape their behavior. It is created with the input of teachers, administrators, and other student support staff. Click on linked image for further information.

Small Group INtervention

Some students need further support in order to develop skills for learning and interacting with others. These skills can be taught in a small group format. Click on linked image for further information.

Check-in, Check-out

Check-In, Check-Out is a program that consists of students daily checking in with an adult at the start of school to retrieve a goal sheet and encouragement, teachers provide feedback on the sheet throughout the day, students check out at the end of the day with an adult, and the student takes the sheet home to be signed, returning it the following morning at check in. Click on linked image for further information.

Tier 3 Behavioral Support

Tier 3 support is intended for students who have not responded to Tier 1 and Tier 2 strategies and interventions (approximately 1-5% of the student population). Tier 3 behavioral support should be more individualized and intensive to meet the unique needs of a particular student. Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) are often completed to create a Positive Behavior Support Plan, directed at decreasing problematic behaviors and teaching prosocial behaviors. Students receiving Tier 3 behavioral support should continue to participate in Tier 1 and Tier 2 strategies.

Functional Behavior Assessment

A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is a process that identifies a specific or target behavior that interferes with a student's education. The assessment attempts to designate the particular behavior, identify the factors that support the behavior, and determine the purpose of the behavior.

This process, while effective, requires training and practice. Contact your administrator for additional information or to determine who is able to complete this process in your district.


PBIS World provides suggestions for intervention and data tracking for specific behaviors across Tiers 1, 2, and 3.

PBIS.org is a great resource for technical assistance in implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The site has articles, tools, assessments, strategies, and examples of what PBIS looks like at the elementary and secondary levels.

Michigan's MTSS Technical Assistance Center is a state and federally funded project. The Technical Assistance Center helps intermediate and local school districts implement and sustain a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) in their schools to improve student outcomes in behavior and learning.

A guide for implementation of Trauma Informed Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports prepared by Wayne RESA. The MTSS framework is used as a supporting structure as schools consider how to ensure that their schoolwide framework incorporates PBIS.