
Whole Child Support Professional Development

The organizations below offer professional development experiences and resources that can support people interested in growing their understanding, sharpening their skills, and exploring new ideas in the field of Whole Child Supports. 

KENT ISD Training

KRESA Training

van buren ISD Training

CASEL Distance Learning

MI-MTSS Technical Assistance Center

Michigan Virtual SEL Courses

WHat we are reading & Listening to

School Culture By Design podcast

This show takes listeners through the journey of what it means to build a powerful and positive school culture.

The edsurge podcast

Great learning here. Check out episode April 25, 2023: Why All Teachers Need Training in Mental Health and Social Work.

wallace Foundation podcast

You can find a great discussion on Social Emotional Learning and how it has evolved over time. 

Models to Help Understand Whole Child Supports

Michigan ASCD WSCC Model

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model is the next evolution of the traditional coordinated school health approach. Developed by ASCD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 

CASEL SEL Competency model

The Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) has created a model by which educators can understand the five (5) essential elements of social emotional learning:  1. Self-Awareness, 2. Self- Management, 3. Social Awareness, 4. Relationship Skills, and 5. Responsible Decision-Making.

KRESA School Culture and Climate 

This diagram above represents Kalamazoo RESA's model for School Culture and Climate. Several elements are included and designed to be a wholistic and comprehensive model for support. This model also integrates well with MTSS Whole Child Supports.

Learn from Experts in the Field

Below you will find a series of videos from leaders, educators, and experts in Kalamazoo County who share their perspectives on specific areas of whole child support.  These are people who are actually involved in the day to day practice of implementing whole child and SEL supports in our area. Find a topic and take a moment to watch. 

SEL & Equity

Laird Walker from Kalamazoo RESA shares how he views the connection between SEL and equity

SEL Impact

Lindsey Newton from Parchment Public Schools talks about the impact she has seen SEL have in her school

Success in SEL

Marcy Carter from Parchment Public Schools share the successes she has seen in SEL Implementation

Supporting staff in sEL

Nancy Ablao from Portage Public Schools talks about how she supports staff in using SEL strategies

SEL & Families

Phyllis Mion from Portage Public Schools discusses how to get families involved in SEL

SEL & Staff Support

Lori Washburn from Galesburg-Augusta Schools discusses how staff can support SEL 

Integrating Mental Health

Cara Weiler from KRESA talks about how to integrate Mental Health into whole child supports

SEL & Leadership

Jamie Korinek from Galesburg-Augusta Schools talks about leading SEL efforts in a district