
(最終更新日 2020/11/23)


Do you know about events at Kendai?

Here are the events of Kendai. Hopefully you can enjoy them after this quarantine!


・ガイダンス  ・入学式  ・前期授業開始



・スプリングフェスティバル(模擬店あり)  ・スポーツフェスティバル




・夏季休業開始  ・海外語学研修(夏季短期留学)


・集中講義  ・秋季学位記授与式  ・夏季休業終了


・後期授業開始  ・秋季入学式  ・スポーツフェスティバル(2回目)  ・剣祭(大学祭)


・留学生交流会  ・集中講義  ・冬季休業開始






・学位記授与式  ・春季休業開始  ・海外語学研修(春季短期留学)


guidance, entrance ceremony, first semester, welcome party, welcome hiking


spring festival, sports festival


midyear examination


summer vacation, overseas language training


intensive course, autumn commencement ceremony, summer vacation ends


second semester, autumn entrance ceremony, sports festival, school festival


meetup for international students, intensive course, winter vacation


winter vacation ends


second semester examination


commencement ceremony, spring semester, overseas language training



2020年はコロナウィルスの影響で入学式が中止になったため、K-commuが国際関係学部の1年生に向けて10月26日に【Meet Up KOKKAN】を開催しました。当日は約100名の国関生が集まり、マスクの着用と三密に気をつけながら大学クイズやサークル・部活の紹介、吹奏楽やジャズダンスのパフォーマンスを楽しみました。

Entrance ceremony

There are over 900 students from every department including the graduate school and the junior colleges. After receiving welcoming words from a representative freshman and the dean, you see an introduction of clubs with some of their performances. 

Since we didn't have the entrance ceremony this year because of COVID-19, K-commu organized our original entrance ceremony with 100 International Relations freshmen (taking appropriate COVID measures) and enjoyed quiz and performances of clubs together.







School festival

The school festival of Kendai is called Tsurugi-sai, and it is held at the campus for 2 consecutive days every autumn.

stalls▷Many clubs and parties have their own stalls and sell some food like fried noodles, sausage, snacks and things like that.

concert▷There is a concert by popular artists every year. We had the singer Reo Ieiri last year.

mock class▷There are some mock classes on the first day of the festival. The laboratories are also publicly open so you can feel the atmosphere of the usual university life.