(Part 3) Injustices in Sonny's Case

Sergio Robleto's Declarations (Part 3)

**NOTE: the information provided below regarding each declaration are just summaries. To have an accurate understanding of the declarations, it is advised that you read the actual documents to ensure full comprehension of Sonny's case. The summaries are used to only provide a general understanding of the records. **

Continuation of Declaration VIII of Sergio Robleto with Exhibits (p.1-26)

Declaration IX of Sergio Robleto (p. 27-36): Regarding cell phone records, cell sites, and calls that were made on the day of the murder (Jan. 24th, 2000)

Declaration X of Sergio Robleto (37-42): Regarding cell phone records from Pac Bell Home telephone reports, especially from Doug Lim ( another co-defendant), Helen Mo, and the other co-defendants (Yo, aka Souriyo Banthakounh, and Adat, aka Li Da Liang).

Declaration XI of Sergio Robleto (43-51); Regarding the day that Li Da Liang turned himself in to the police at a restaurant with the help of Johnny Quan, who played a significant role in Wah Ching activities and who arranged the farewell banquet for Li Da Liang. After interviewing Li Da Liang's father, it has been found that on the day of the murder, Jan. 24th, 2000, the person who came by to pick up his son was a guy named "Ben," not Sonny Wong. Other information include information about a co-defendant, Yo aka Souriyo Banthakounh, and the altercation and deletion of Li Da Liang's statements during police interviews. Li Da Liang lacked English fluency and relied on a translator, Joe Cheung, at the time of the interviews. After Sergio Robleto reviewed those interview statements with assistance from Gerald Young, a certified Cantonese interpreter, it is discovered that most of Li Da Liang's statements were either altered deleted.

Interview of Terrence O'Hare (p. 52-53): On April 5th, 2007, Sergio Robleto interviewed Terrence O'Hare, Helen Mo's probation officer, regarding Helen Mo's background.

Interview of Terry Lynne Wilson (p. 54-55): On July, 31st, 2007, Sergio Robleto interviewed Terry Lynne Wilson, Helen Mo's court teacher, regarding the day of the murder, Jan. 24th, 2000.

Interview of Lamphoe and Victoria Banthakounh (p. 56-57): Lamphoe Banthakounh is the father of Yo (Souriyo Banthakounh) and Victornia Banthakounh is Yo's sister. During the interview on October 12th, 2006, Victoria translated that her father knew very little about the case. She gave her statment on what she knew based off on what Yo had spoken to her at the time.

Interview of Johnny Quan (p. 58): Sergio Robleto interviewed Johnny Quan on October 12th, 2006 regarding the arranged farewell banquet for Li Da Liang.

Interview of Chi Keung Leung (p. 59-63): Sergio Robleto interviewed Li Da Liang's father, Chi Keung Leung (translated by a certified Cantonese interpreter, Sally Xu), on November 2, 2006, to recall the the day of the crime and the circumstances of his son, Li Da Liang's, arrest. Chi Keung Leung noted that on the day of the murder, it was a subject named, "Ben" who picked up his son-not Sonny Wong. In addition to that, he recalled that Ben picked up his son to go to eat, not to participate in a murder. He also told Mr. Robleto that he didn't know who Sonny Wong was until he went to trial and asked someone to help him identified who was Sonny Wong. Mr. Leung indicated that he knew Johnny Quan was a good pal of Li Da Liang and that the subject named, "Ben," was a member of a bad group.

Declaration of Thich Quang (p. 64-66): Regarding religious practice on marriage preparations and more information about the Chinese zodiac.

Declaration of Thien Long (p. 67-68): Regarding Master Thien Long recalling a conversation that he had with Nun Tri Can about the wedding preparations.

Press release about Wah Ching gang members (p. 69-71): Regarding a press release that Vicki Wong found on Jan. 23, 2002. It stated that a federal grand jury indicted several members of the Wah Ching gang.

Information about Li Da Liang and other police reports (72-100): Regarding Li Da Liang's background, containing Chi Keung Leung's statement and other police reports.

sign declaration 3.pdf