Portfolio of juancupojuice


My goal is simple, to help create unique and intricate games. Through my imagination, I want to transport players into new worlds, show them new places, and let them experience things they never would have before. Over my lifetime, I have made so many friends through video games, whether it was meeting them online, or talking about them to my classmates. Video games have changed my life for the better, and I want to help change other peoples lives too.


Projects consisting of personal projects which I have created in my free time, for fun or for practice. These are projects that I built from personal inspiration.


Projects created during partnerships, contracts, and commissions. These creations are made for other projects which I was hired to work for. They showcase my level of professionalism and skill when working on levels meant for gameplay.


Games I have made in my free time, for practice, for fun, or as an assignment for school.


Designs I have come up over time, for possible future game projects, or ideas for mods and expansions.


Coming soon.


Since I was a young child, I loved playing games such as Runescape, Fate, and Myst. However, one game in particular caught my eye the most, Roblox. Roblox has given me a perfect platform to display my artistic and design capabilities. Since joining in 2008, I have spent countless days and nights, improving my abilities, and learning new skills. Along the road, I have met many fantastic people who share the same passion that I do, and it has given me a stepping stone to enter into the world of professional game development.