

At its core, Lionhearts is a classed-based brawler that enables players to mix and match different classes to create unique and powerful combinations. Each class has access to specific abilities, and when classes are mixed, the player has access to both sets of abilities, armor, and weapons. Be careful though, as mixing opposite classes can lower your efficiency.


With this game, I really wanted players to have the freedom to mix and match essentially any classes they want together. Want to be a mage that wears heavy armor? Sure, you can do that, but perhaps your mana regen is lowered. The core gameplay loop would involve going toe-to-toe with other players online in several different gamemodes, in order to upgrade your classes to gain access to new ones. From playing matches, the player would earn resources which can be spent to upgrade their town/basecamp. This design is rather old, and is currently not completely finished.



Base camp

Base Camp

Class matrix


weapon matrix

Weapon Types

simple design
